Hello, I write my bachelor-thesis about geolocation data on an iPhone. I write a small app to get the actual coordinates and saved into a sqlite database. so far so far. Now I have a GPS-generator from R&S to simulate gps-data and satellites. I can simulate 6 satellites parallel to my "fake" geolocation. I write the app also on an Android -smartphone, this Android can display the Satellites-ID and the "fake" geolocation..thats fine for my thesis. But my iPhone would not display anything I this setup?
During outside the app would be deliver the actual coordinate, but with the signal.genarator I can't get coordinates. I try GPS, Glosnass, Galileo and Beidoo but nothing happens on my iPhone 12mini.
The IOS is 18.1 and I use the core Location api.
Has anybody some ideas for me and my thesis?