Bachelor Thesis -Geolocation

Hello, I write a Bachelor-Theses about Geolocation on an iPhone. I have a Signal-generator from R&S to simulate GPS-Data. I write an App on an Android-Phone and can readout the GPS-ID and the strength from the signal and the time and Position for Geolocation zb. Island or Africa like this.

Now my thesis is about the iPhone and I write an App for get the location manager Geolocation and to save it to a sqlite-database with longitude, latitude and time. But the App recognizes only the real world for geolocation on GPS (LTE and Wlan are disabled!). With my Radio-Generator it would not recognize any Geolocation like the Android phone.?

So I need some fast help for my thesis, where are my problems? I allready have a function like this: func updateAccuracy(highAccuracy: Bool) { locationManager.desiredAccuracy = highAccuracy ? kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation : kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters print("🎯 GPS-Genauigkeit geändert: (highAccuracy ? "Hoch" : "Plane-Genauigkeit")") } but nothing happens?

Best regards

a have also a LTE Generator and can setup some LTE-Cells for example island Vodafone or Sweden, or Gambia .. when I connect the iPhone to this LTE Cell with the correct settings, my APP display the right geolocation, nearby depending of the Signal-strentgh..

So I think my App would be fine, but the main question is, why I can't get any Geolocation data from GPS Signaling. in my Xcode Debugging Output I have only the information, that the iPhone will get new Geo-updates .. but it received nothing.

best regards

Bachelor Thesis -Geolocation