Adding ‘Test diamonds’ to Xcode with a macro

I'm currently writing a macro which outputs Swift Testing code:

// Macro code ...

struct MySuite {
    func makeView() -> some View {
        Text("a view")

which expands to...

// Expanded macro code ...

struct _GeneratedSnapshotSuite {

    func assertSnapshotMakeView() async throws {
        let generator = SnapshotGenerator(
            testName: "makeView",
            traits: [
    			.sizes(devices: .iPhoneX, fitting: .widthAndHeight),
            configuration: .none,
            makeValue: {
            fileID: #fileID,
            filePath: #filePath,
            line: 108,
            column: 5

        await __assertSnapshot(generator: generator)

In short, this macro creates snapshot tests from a function.

This all works but I'm finding a couple of limitations, potentially with how Macros are expanded in Swift.

  • Xcode diamonds are not visible
  • The snapshots tag isn't discovered

There are a couple of things worth noting though:

  • The suites and tests are discovered in Xcode's Test Navigator each time Xcode runs tests (cmd + u) - although they need to rerun to be updated.
  • I manually add a @Suite in my code as well as my @SnapshotSuite to all of the suites.
  • (The tags never seem to be available though)

Couple of questions on this:

  • Is this a known issue?
  • Are there any workarounds?

I do wonder if there's a workaround for showing the diamonds with XCTest APIs such as:

For those following at home, there’s also a Swift Forums thread for this.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Adding ‘Test diamonds’ to Xcode with a macro