I am developing a macOS non-interactive macOS application which does not show any ui. i want to block main thread and do all the work on worker thread . Once done with work in worker thread, want to unblock main thread by exiting event loop to terminate application.
Because i dont want to show any UI or use any Foundation/Cocoa functionality, i am thinking of using CFRunLoop to block main thread from exiting until i finish my work in worker thread. When i tried this in a project, I am able to finish work in worker thread after block main thread using CFRunLoop.
I also want this application to be a bundled application, which can be launched by double clicking on application bundle . But when i tried it in my xcode project by launching it using double clicking on application bundle, application keeps on toggling/bouncing in the dock menu with a status "Not responding". Although i am able to complete my work in worker thread.
import Foundation
let runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent()
func workerTask() {
DispatchQueue.global().async {
print("do its work")
sleep(5) // do some work
print("calling exit event loop")
print ("unblocking main thread")
workerTask ()
// blocking main thread
print ("blocked main thread")
print ("exit")
Why i am getting this application bouncing in doc menu behavior ? I tried by using NSApplicationMain instead of CFRunLoop in my project, in that case i didnt get this behavior .
Does NSApplicationMain does some extra work before starting NSRunLoop which i am not doing while using CFRunLoop, which is showing this toggling/Bouncing application icon in Dock menu ?
or Is this bouncing app icon issue is related to run loop i am using which is CFRunLoop ?
Note : If i dont use a bundled application and use a commandline application then i am able to do all steps in worker thread and exit main thread as i wanted after finishing my work . But i need to do all this in application which can be launched using double clicking (bundled applcation).
If not by using CFRunLoop, then how can i achive this ? - Create a application which shows no UI and do all work in worker thread while main thread is blocked. Once work is done unblock main thread and exit. And user should be able to launch application using double click the application icon.