In order to setup a preview, I need to create a Book
; to do that, I need to await
a function – however, one cannot await inside a Preview:
import SwiftUI
struct BookView: View {
let book: Book
var body: some View {
VStack {
Image(book.thumbnail, scale: 1.0,
label: Text(book.title))
#Preview {
let url = URL(filePath: "/Users/dan/Documents/Curs confirmare RO.pdf")!
// 👇 here, `createBook` should be awaited; but how?
let book = createBook(for: url, of: CGSize(width: 254, height: 254), scale: 1.0)
BookView(book: book)
The above is a great quick / simple solution. Here is another option, which may take a little more setup, but can provide a flexible solution if you regularly need to load data for use across your previews.
You can use a combination of the PreviewModifier
and the @Previewable
API that were introduced for use with #Preview
last year to create any content you need for your previews.
The general approach here is to write a preview modifier that creates the content and later modifies any previews that have the modifier applied with that content. Then you can use @Previewable
to retrieve that content in your preview and pass it to the view you are previewing as needed.
In the below example I will just create a simple model for use in a single preview, but you could expand the context being created in the preview modifier to create a preview data object that contained data for many previews and apply it where needed. You can also make as many preview modifier types as makes sense for the different kinds of data in your project and apply them to previews as needed.
To start, here is my simple model for this example:
struct Book {
// Interesting properties here...
static func createBook(for url: URL) async -> Book {
// Await the content here...
// Initialize the Book with actual content...
return Book()
First we set up what we need to pass the content through the environment:
extension EnvironmentValues {
@Entry var previewBook: Book = {
// This is the default value and will only be used if you forget to set your preview modifier
// trait.
fatalError("No value set for previewBook in the environment, did you forget your preview modifier trait?")
extension View {
func previewBook(_ book: Book) -> some View {
environment(\.previewBook, book)
Then we can create the PreviewModifier
that will load the data and modify the preview content with that data:
struct BookContent: PreviewModifier {
// This async throws function is called to create the context for the preview modifer
// that can then be applied to preview content.
static func makeSharedContext() async throws -> Book {
let url = URL(filePath: "/My/Test/Data.pdf")!
return await Book.createBook(for: url)
// This is called to modify your preview content with the context created above whenever
// you apply your preview modifier to a #Preview.
func body(content: Content, context: Book) -> some View {
extension PreviewTrait where T == Preview.ViewTraits {
// Create a convenience for applying the above preview modifier to a preview
static var previewBook: Self {
The last steps are to apply the BookContent
preview modifier to any #Preview
s where the Book
value is needed and to use @Previewable
to read that value from the environment to pass in to the view being previewed:
struct BookView: View {
let book: Book
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Use your book values...
Text("Book Data Here...")
#Preview(traits: .previewBook) {
// @Previewable allows us to use normal SwiftUI attributes like @Environment, @State,
// and @Binding in a preview body
@Previewable @Environment(\.previewBook) var book
BookView(book: book)