Core ML Models

Build intelligence into your apps using machine learning models from the research community designed for Core ML.

Models are in Core ML format and can be integrated into Xcode projects. You can select different versions of models to optimize for sizes and architectures.



FastViT Image Classification

A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer architecture trained to classify the dominant object in a camera frame or image.
Depth Anything V2 Depth Estimation

The Depth Anything model performs monocular depth estimation.
DETR Resnet50 Semantic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

The DEtection TRansformer (DETR) model, trained for object detection and panoptic segmentation, configured to return semantic segmentation masks.
MNIST Drawing Classification

Classify a single handwritten digit (supports digits 0-9).
UpdatableDrawingClassifier Drawing Classification

Drawing classifier that learns to recognize new drawings based on a K-Nearest Neighbors model (KNN).
MobileNetV2 Image Classification

The MobileNetv2 architecture trained to classify the dominant object in a camera frame or image.
Resnet50 Image Classification

A Residual Neural Network that will classify the dominant object in a camera frame or image.
DeeplabV3 Image Segmentation

Segment the pixels of a camera frame or image into a predefined set of classes.
YOLOv3 Object Detection

Locate and classify 80 different types of objects present in a camera frame or image.
YOLOv3-Tiny Object Detection

Locate and classify 80 different types of objects present in a camera frame or image.


BERT-SQuAD Question Answering

Find answers to questions about paragraphs of text.