Build great apps in SwiftUI

SwiftUI is the fastest path to a great app on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Learn more about the latest refinements, including interface improvements like outlines, grids, and toolbars. Discover how apps, scenes, and views fit together to help you build apps entirely in SwiftUI. Explore @State and @Binding, two powerful tools that can preserve and seamlessly update your Source of Truth. Learn about how Xcode and previews enable seamless iteration. And get started with the tools you’ll need to create great widgets.

SwiftUI Previews in Xcode 12

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Introduction to SwiftUI

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What's new in SwiftUI

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Build complications in SwiftUI

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App essentials in SwiftUI

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Visually edit SwiftUI views

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Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI

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Build a SwiftUI view in Swift Playgrounds

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Build document-based apps in SwiftUI

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Data Essentials in SwiftUI

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Build SwiftUI views for widgets

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