Explore HLS streaming

Find out how you can take advantage of Low-Latency and other great features of HLS and AVFoundation to produce a great streaming experience in your app.

Low-Latency extensions combine the quality and scalability of HLS with a stream delay of two seconds or less. We’ll also show you how to play your streams offline or in bandwidth-constricted areas, and help you improve your video or audio offering with HLS tools.

What's new in Low-Latency HLS

Apple has added Low-Latency extensions to the HTTP Live Streaming protocol that combine the quality and scalability of HLS with a stream delay of two seconds or less. Learn about the most recent developments in LL-HLS and how it allows you to make your video delivery competitive with broadcast and...

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Discover HLS Blocking Preload Hints

Learn how to implement Blocking Preload Hints for Low-Latency HLS to reduce delivery latency and improve the reliability of your video and audio streams. Discover how to integrate LL-HLS with CMAF Chunk delivery and unify your delivery across streaming formats.

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Optimize live streams with HLS Playlist Delta Updates

Discover Playlist Delta Updates, an HLS feature that optimizes the delivery of live streams with large playback windows and lots of metadata. We'll show you how Playlist Delta Updates can reduce overheard when producing live streams, provide higher-quality variants for people with slower...

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What's new in streaming audio for Apple Watch

Deliver a smooth streaming audio experience straight to the wrist. We’ll talk about some of the new things for building great streaming apps unique to Apple Watch. Learn how to integrate more audio formats, deliver streams more efficiently through new codecs, and add encrypted content to expand...

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Adapt ad insertion to Low-Latency HLS

Find out how to integrate advertising into your Low-Latency HLS streams through server-side ad insertion. We'll show you how to segment your ad content, and examine how ad insertion works with LL-HLS features such as Blocking Playlist Reload and Blocking Preload Hints. For more information about...

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Improve stream authoring with HLS Tools

Deliver live and on-demand audio and video to iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, PC, and Apple TV with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Learn about tools and features to help improve the authoring of your HLS streams and provide low-latency delivery and better audio performance to people watching or...

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Reduce latency with HLS Blocking Playlist Reload

Blocking Playlist Reload is a required component of Low-Latency HLS that improves segment discovery time in live streams and addresses the common problem of stale playlists when delivering through an HTTP cache. Learn how to use Blocking Playlist Reload to reduce streaming latency and improve CDN...

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Deliver a better HLS audio experience

Discover techniques for streaming high-quality audio to bandwidth-limited networks and new audio codec support. We’ll share some best practices for supporting the xHE-AAC, FLAC, and Apple Lossless Audio audio codecs, including limited support for multichannel AAC.

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Discover how to download and play HLS offline

Discover how to play HLS audio or video without an internet connection in your app by downloading HLS content for offline consumption using AVFoundation. Explore best practices for working with your HLS content while offline, learn how to use FairPlay Streaming to protect your offline audio and...

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