Find the right documentation
June 21, 2020

Want to learn more about implementing WidgetKit or exploring app clips? Apple Developer Documentation offers resources, sample code, and articles that support the latest frameworks and technologies. Here are a few tips to find what you’re looking for — fast.
Identify the right technologies
The Documentation Technologies page provides an at-a-glance look at every framework, technology, and service on Apple platforms. By default, they’re organized alphabetically, and you can easily filter down to see just the information you need.
Add keywords Use the Filter field to quickly locate a specific framework or technology by entering a keyword or selecting a suggested tag. Do more precise filtering by entering multiple keywords or selecting multiple tags. For example, type “watch” or select the “Apple Watch” tag to find all the Watch-related frameworks. Add the “Complications” tag too and narrow in on ClockKit.

Track down changes Want to find out exactly what frameworks have been modified, added to, or deprecated? Use the “Show API changes” dropdown to compare an older version of Xcode to the latest version: Upon selection, you’ll see a list detailing all the frameworks with changed, new, or deprecated information.
Language swap
Many of our frameworks have multiple programming language variants available. While looking at a documentation, you can use the Language selector at the top of the page to switch from Swift to Objective-C, or vice versa.
Discover the latest and greatest
Not sure where to start? The Featured page offers quick access to highlighted developer documentation, tutorials, sample code, articles, and API reference.