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TestFlight within App Store Connect allows you to invite and manage testers who can install and beta test your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps using the TestFlight app on the App Store.

Posts under TestFlight tag

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Asset validation failed (90085): Static Framework Embedded in Dynamic Framework
One of our apps got hit by the ITMS-91065: Missing Signature issue when we attempted to distribute it to externally via TestFlight. The email said FirebaseCore is missing the signature file within our own framework. After investigation, I realized our recent update to the version of Firebase that has the proper signatures and privacy manifest wasn't enough by itself. Similar to Apple's own instructions on embedding static frameworks since Xcode 15, Firebase instructs us to select the Embed & Sign option. After making the appropriate changes though, we're getting the error in Transporter: Asset validation failed (90085): No architectures in the binary Our setup is as follows: We have an analytics dynamic framework, which depends on Firebase's static framework. The Firebase related frameworks are embedded and signed in our analytics framework. Our app depends on the analytics dynamic framework, which now includes Firebase frameworks within its framework. Since the Firebase frameworks are static, only the Info.plist and the resource bundle with privacy manifest and another Info.plist are included. After searching online, some suggest it's because of the Info.plist included. For example, FirebaseCore.framework, which specifies CFBundleExecutable yet it's not included within the framework itself. I don't expect the executable to get included here though. I opened an issue on Firebase's Github, which has more information. I am not sure how to proceed from here. Is there something I am missing? I would appreciate assistance. Thank you.
TestFlight macos >= 13 run app code signature invalid
When start app from TestFlight and macos >= 13,has a code signature invalid error '/Applications/mac-ci-appstore.app/Contents/Frameworks/***.framework/Versions/A/***' (code signature invalid in <BED9CDF6-C616-3AB0-819F-7B6FD5896709> '/Applications/mac-ci-appstore.app/Contents/Frameworks/***.framework/Versions/A/***' (errno=1) sliceOffset=0x00004000, codeBlobOffset=0x000A3880, codeBlobSize=0x00006EF0), start it from macos <= 12,no error happen,how to fix it on macos >= 13,I have no idea. all devices add in device lists. codesign verify then app is ok too.
How does one create a provisioning profile for embedded DEXT for iPhoneOS that is signed with a distribution cert?
I've been developing a solution that has an embedded USB driver. I can build and run my solution just fine but I cannot pass verification for uploading to App Store Correct and TestFlight The problem is that the provisioning profile I am using (for development) does not have the explicit Vendor ID (idVendor) but is using the development value of asterisk "*". I've created a release version of my entitlements file with the proper Vendor ID and I have a distribution certificate for iOS. Further, I've created a provisioning profile for app-store distribution (not development) and imported it via Xcode. When I select this provisioning profile, I get the following errors from Xcode: Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for iOS and macOS. Visit the developer website to create or download a DriverKit profile. Provisioning profile "MyProvisioningProfile - App Store" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.usb entitlement. If I create and use a DriverKit profile, The Xcode UI errors go away on the "Signing & Capabilities" page. However, these profiles seem to be for development only. I then get an error, during compilation, telling me that the app and extension have two different signers, one for development (DEXT) and one for distribution (App). To sum up, using a DriverKit profile fails during the build process and using a distribution profile is a non-starter for Xcode. I can't even build. What do I need to do to get this to work?
Pre-release testing of Default App Clip Link
Hi all, I’m currently developing an App Clip, and for our first version, I want to exclusively use the default app clip link generated on App Store Connect to invoke the App Clip (of the form https://appclip.apple.com/id?p=<bundle_id>). I've published a build to App Store Connect, and I can see it has generated the link.
 There is good documentation around testing App Clip invocations when using an associated link pre-release, but not so much for testing the default link.
 I've read some things online that would suggest that the default App Clip link is not able to be tested before App Store approval, as the link only becomes active at this point. If that is the case, can we test the default App Clip link invocation via an external beta TestFlight release, or do we need to fully release the app to the App Store to test the link invocation?
 Any insights or experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.
Build upload to TestFlight never completes
I've tried uploading a build through xcode, and transporter app with no luck. I have waited hours and it never completes. Also, I have tried using fastlane our main way of uploading builds and have included a verbose flag to see why the build upload never finishes or errors out. The problem is an endless loop of the following error: DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: "LocalUploadTask &lt;EF4ED1D8-1CB0-47F7-876B-C126DF9A3696&gt;.&lt;302624&gt;" DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: ), NSLocalizedDescription=A server with the specified hostname could not be found., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://northamerica-1.object-storage.apple.com/itmspod11-assets-massilia-200001/PurpleSource211%2Fv4%2F22%2F2d%2F17%2F222d1786-e205-57c4-7c62-a8e88503ff18%2FNRkOOpVWKZwGMd9KSYr92VImlIecE45alTBupZzt5Z0_U003d-1715285171894?uploadId=951d5230-0e3f-11ef-be19-783fd2f0b3f1&amp;Signature={REDACTED}&amp;AWSAccessKeyId={REDACTED}&amp;partNumber=1&amp;Expires=1715889972, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://northamerica-1.object-storage.apple.com/itmspod11-assets-massilia-200001/PurpleSource211%2Fv4%2F22%2F2d%2F17%2F222d1786-e205-57c4-7c62-a8e88503ff18%2FNRkOOpVWKZwGMd9KSYr92VImlIecE45alTBupZzt5Z0_U003d-1715285171894?uploadId={REDACTED}&amp;Signature={REDACTED}&amp;AWSAccessKeyId={REDACTED}&amp;partNumber=1&amp;Expires=1715889972, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=12} DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.048 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Created new upload task (0x139d071e0) for part 1. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.048 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Saving uploader state (CDUploaderStateUploadAssetDescription) for identifier 'com.apple.cds_0C29B49B-B8A0-45FA-BFF3-10A7424FE286'. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.049 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] There are 2 parts remaining to upload. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.049 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] LOST 0 bytes for part 2. DEBUG [2024-05-09 16:11:52.04]: [altool]: 2024-05-09 16:11:52.049 DEBUG: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] Adding upload task 302627 for part 2.
apn-environment in Testfligh stuck on Production
Steps to reproduce: Install & Launch App When push notifications are registered, the push notification token received is a "production" push notification token rather than a "development" push notification token. We are trying to test on the sandbox environment with development push notification tokens, however the apn-environment for all builds we release via TestFlight are being set to "production". We wish to distribute builds via TestFlight with apn-environment set to "development". At the moment we have only found one way to run the app with apn-environment set to "development" which is to "Export" a Debug build, then manually install it on a device via iTunes on Windows machines. This method is not efficient or considered seamless enough for non-technical testers and stakeholders. They require a seamless way to receive Debug builds via TestFlight without resorting to other third-party platforms which allow us to manually upload the "Exported Debug build". If anyone knows how to upload a "Debug" build to Testflight which will allow the user to receive a sandbox development push token with "apn-environment" set to development I would really appreciate it.
ITMS-90714: Invalid binary - The app contains one or more corrupted binaries. Please rebuild the app and resubmit.
While uploading the application into the TestFlight the following error received, ITMS-90714: Invalid binary - The app contains one or more corrupted binaries. Please rebuild the app and resubmit. After sometimes generate same configuration the application successfully submitted on the TestFlight. We are using Xcode 15.3
ITMS - 90714 Invalid Binary Error occurred while upload the app into TestFlight
We are received the following error while uploading the application into TestFlight. **ITMS-90714: Invalid binary - The app contains one or more corrupted binaries. Please rebuild the app and resubmit. ** After sometimes we submit the same application without changing the configurations application submitted successfully into the App Store. We are using the Xcode 15.3 version.
Corrupt Image file when uploading to testflight
Hi, our app has been using single size app icon for a while and today when I trying to upload a new version of our app I got an email from App Store Connect saying ITMS-90013: Corrupt Image File - The image file 'AppIcon60x60@2x.png' appears to be corrupt. We haven't touched the image for ages and these 60x60 image were generated by Xcode from the single 1024x1024 image supplied. I've tried to use a new image and still got the same error. Does anyone experienced this recently?
Background Modes not working with TestFlight Build
So, we've got a mobile app that is using background processing to occasionally scan for nearby BLE beacons. When running a debug / local build of the app, everything behaves as expected, but if we upload a build to TestFlight and install from there, the background processing doesn't happen. This behavior would seem to point to a capability in the App ID not being provisioned, but when I look in the Identifiers section of Apple Developer, Background Modes as a capability isn't listed for either the existing Application Identifier or when creating a brand new one. The app has the Background Modes capability assigned if I look at it in XCode. Any thoughts as to where to look next or what I'm missing?
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - Activity indicator spinning indefinitely
Issue Description The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users. Bug description: after we entered the provided credentials, an activity indicator was spinning indefinitely and we were unable to use the app Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) OS version: iOS 17.4.1 What have I done So basically Apple is saying that there are issues with https requests that they are making when on App review The problem is that it always works for me. I've tested on TestFlight on my iPhone and there's no issue. When I directly download the app from the app store in my mac, it works as well. I've checked the backend logs during the time that the reviewer were checking my app, and there's not a single request made to the mobile login endpoint. My backend infrastructure, which is hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the United States, is configured without any IP-based geolocation blocking or regional access controls. I've tried using a VPN, and even asked to a friend to make a request from the US using Postman. It always worked. I've tried putting a network checker just after the login attempt. It warns and shows a toast saying that there's no internet connection. Not allowing the request to be made. I've implemented a timeout in the requests. I started with a 12s timeout. I went progressively downwards with 8s and 4s timeouts in my submissions, and all the submissions were rejected. I've tried to reach Apple to give me more details about the environment that these networks are made, anything about the error itself. I went to both a Rejection Appeal and a reply to App review, and all that they gave me was the device type and the OS version. If anyone has any tips or insights on debugging this issue, especially in scenarios involving App Store review processes where the behavior differs from other environments like TestFlight or direct downloads, I would really appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to proceed.
Testflight builds expired all at once
Anyone is experiencing this issue? Today without any reason we can think of, all of our builds were expired on Testflight. Without knowing what happened, then we tried to add a new build, that it it seems to be in good shape on Testflight, even with the mark green meaning is ready to be tested. Even though, by trying to install the app on iOS using TF, we are getting a message saying "The requested app is not available"
TestFlight: Expired & removed public testers still occupying the tester slot
3 months before I uploaded a build 1.0(1) and had 10000(not sure why it's showing 10001) public testers via public link. Now this build has expired and I've remove all these public testers, but seems these testers are still occupying the tester slots so that new testers are not able to join test for my new uploaded build 1.0(2), showing "beta is full" to them. I've been waiting for 2 days but those removed testers are still showing in the tester list as "deleted" status and not removed. I've tried upload new builds but it didn't work, what shall I do now?
Some users can't be add to my appstore connect account
I'm adding many users to internal testing purpose. A few users did't received and welcome to apple developer program after signing in from invitation email. I've checked and didn't they on the user lists, so I can't added to internal tester group. We've tried so many times. I noticed that every users that had the same problem didn't see the trust this device page during the signing process. How should I fix this problem.
May ’24
Can't test the release build in TestFlight
Hi everyone, Our app has been removed from App Store (the status is "Removed from App Store"). So I have prepared new build and tested it in a debug mode. Works fine. I have uploaded the release build to the App Store Connect and submitted it for Review. After couple of hours I received the message that the release build doesn't work for the apple reviewers. When I want to install the app through TestFlight it says that the app doesn't exist (I an see it after I press "Install" button in TestFlight, I guess the reason is because the app has been removed from App Store). IPA file doesn't work as well. IS there any way I can test the release build (through TestFlight or installing IPA)? Thank you in advance
May ’24
Xcode 15 beta 2: Failed to install iOS app with widget extension to simulator or device, because widget extension is does not define either an NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass key with a string value in the NSExtension dictionar
Xcode: Version 15.0 beta 2 (15A5161b) iPhone: iOS 17.0 (21A5268h) Run from Xcode to Simulator or my iPhone, build successfully, install failed with the same error: My widget extension target info.plist file looks like the image below, and it worked find with all the previous Xcode version. After adding the key NSExtensionPrincipalClass like this: I can install my app to simaltor and my device, however, when archive and upload to the App Store (for TestFlight testing), i got another error (the first one is related to this issue, the second i could not figure out what it is):
May ’24
iTMS Transporter Servers | Bad Status received from server: 401
We run automated app uploads to Appstore Connect and TestFlight from our company servers, which are behind a firewall. Our firewall is configured to allow connections to the HTTPS servers listed in the Transporter User Guide The problem is, Apple adds new servers (e.g northamerica-1.object-storage.apple.com) to this list without prior announcements and this breaks our automated uploads because our firewalls are not yet updated with the new servers. Transporter logs report vague errors which are difficult to correlate with the new servers that were added. For example, the error msg is: [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] data: null [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] buildAssetSpi: class BuildRelationshipsBuildAssetDescription { [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] links: class AlbumLocalizationRelationshipsAlbumLinks { [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] self: https://contentdelivery.itunes.apple.com/<redacted>/iris/v1/builds/<redacted>/relationships/buildAssetSpi [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] related: https://contentdelivery.itunes.apple.com/MZContentDeliveryService/iris/v1/builds/<redacted>/buildAssetSpi [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] data: null [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] links: class ResourceLinks { [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] self: https://contentdelivery.itunes.apple.com/MZContentDeliveryService/iris/v1/builds/<redacted> [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] } [06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] [2024-03-11 06:45:17 GMT] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1 [06:45:19]: iTunes Transporter output above ^ [06:45:19]: <redacted>.ipa11966153618006795338-swinfo.plist (1) - Bad Status received from server: 401 The above error had nothing to do with authentication or incorrect tokens. We solved it by adding "northamerica-1.object-storage.apple.com" to our firewalls and retrying appstore connect upload. I'm trying to figure out ways to solve this problem. Is there any way to subscribe to Apple notification emails/RSS feeds etc to get to know about new servers being added ahead of time ? Are the wildcard domains - *.object-storage.apple.com *.blobstore.apple.com sufficient to cover any new server that Apple adds to the list mentioned in the Transporter Guide ?
Apr ’24
When I try to print through the application, a message "This action will take you outside the app
Hello, I have noticed an issue when using my web application via TestFlight on iOS devices. When I try to print through the application, a message "This action will take you outside the app, press OK to continue" appears. This message prevents the user from printing documents from the application. Steps to reproduce the issue: Open my web application via TestFlight on an iOS device. Press the print button in the application. Expected behavior: It is expected that the user can print documents from the web application via TestFlight without any obstacles. Actual behavior: When pressing the print button, a message "This action will take you outside the app, press OK to continue" appears, preventing printing.
Apr ’24