Cannot receive full name from Apple sign in - capacitor

I cannot receive full name from Apple sign in and the app review fails.

What I receive from the call is the following:

  "familyName": null,
  "identityToken": "XXXXX",
  "givenName": null,
  "authorizationCode": "XXXXX",
  "user": "XXXXX",
  "email": null

while decoding the identityToken, I get:

  iss: '',
  aud: '',
  exp: 1697700330,
  iat: 1697613930,
  sub: 'XXXXX',
  nonce: 'nonce',
  c_hash: 'XXXX',
  email: 'XXXXXX',
  email_verified: 'true',
  auth_time: 1697613930,
  nonce_supported: true

As you can see, I have no information about given or family name.

Body I am sending via api rest:

      clientId: '',
      scopes: 'email name',
      redirectURI: '',
      state: '12345',
      nonce: 'nonce',

My tools:

I am using nestJS and node (v16).

Cannot receive full name from Apple sign in - capacitor