Handling data from bluetooth device


I am inquiring in regard to how to handle data from a bluetooth device. The device would send data in JSON format to a Mac via bluetooth, and I would need to constantly refresh or fetch data from the device in real time.

How would I go about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Is this a Bluetooth, or a Bluetooth Low Energy device? Is it yours (do you own the firmware, and know what it does)? Or is it a device from a third party that you would like to use? The easiest type of device to support is BLE.

Have you looked here: https://developer.apple.com/bluetooth/ ?

If you've never done this before, start with the Heart Rate Monitor app and use an off-the-shelf heart rate monitor. The Heart Rate Monitor profile is a published standard profile. If you're comfortable with it, you can also use a low-cost BLE development kit to make your own BLE device, with any profile you like, using chips from TI, Maxim IC, Silicon Labs, Nordic, Dialog etc

Handling data from bluetooth device