How are App Clip updates rolled out to existing users of an App Clip?

We're currently evaluating offering an App Clip experience alongside our full app and I'm particularly interested in understanding how updates to App Clips are rolled out to users.

The documentation, specifically the section on Updating and Deleting App Clip Experiences provides some insights into how to make an update to an already existing App Clip:

To update an already released App Clip, create a new App Clip experience and attach it to a new version of your app. When the new version passes App Review and you publish it on the App Store, it uses the new App Clip experience.

From this, my understanding is that all users, including those who have previously accessed the older version of the App Clip, will automatically receive the updated version upon their next use. Is my interpretation correct? I'm particularly curious about how seamless this transition is for users who might have the previous version cached. Do they encounter any disruptions, or is the switch to the updated version smooth (assuming they have a decent network connection)?

I would greatly appreciate any insights or shared experiences regarding the App Clip distribution process.

I wouldn't be so sure about the app clip getting an update. If the user launched the app clip again, maybe it would get the latest. The language around it staying on your device for 30 days to me feels like it wouldn't auto update.

I would create a feedback for this and ask for clarifying documentation in the App Clip Framework or App Store Connect. Out of curiosity, is the update just to get them new features, or is the old version of the app clip no longer compatible with the backend?

How are App Clip updates rolled out to existing users of an App Clip?