How does AppIntent changes get reflected in macOS

I have a basic Xcode project where I am adding a swift file with the below AppIntent. This causes the AppIntent action to be added in the Shortcuts app in MacOS. I wanted to know how is this AppIntent directly be able to add the Intent action in the shortcuts app. I have checked the build setting in the Xcode project but I did not find anything being generated that could have caused this. Can someone help me understand what internally happens that causes the action to be added to the shortcuts app?

import AppIntents

import SwiftUI

@available(macOS 13, *)
struct TWIntent: AppIntent {
    static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "TWMeditationIntent"
    static var description = IntentDescription("try adding this sample action as your TW shortcut")
    static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
        Summary("Get information on \(\.$TWType)")
    // we can have multiple parameter of diff types
    @Parameter(title: "TWType", description: "The type to get information on.")
     var TWType: String
    func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<String> & ProvidesDialog {
        NSLog(AppDelegate.TAG + "Inside perform() in MeditationIntent")
        return .result(value: TWType, dialog: "Logged a 15 minute break.\(TWType)")
How does AppIntent changes get reflected in macOS