Safari(>17) in Private mode strips GET query parameters from window.location

In Safari 17's private mode, an inconsistent behaviour has been observed where GET query parameters are stripped from window.location after following user's click on any link with GET query parameters. The issue is reproducible for any link with GET query parameters.

This issue varies; in some cases, the parameters remain visible in the URL, while in others, they are removed. (The window.location is always stripped of the query parameters).

This behaviour impacts both iOS and MacOS users, suggesting a broader issue with Safari's treatment of URL parameters in private mode.

The issue is not reproducible on both Safari < 17 and Safari 17 in Normal mode. Most probably it is the result of adding Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection in Safari 17.

Can you please clarify logic behind Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection? Is it an expected behaviour?

Same question

Safari(&gt;17) in Private mode strips GET query parameters from window.location