Sign in with Apple

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Sign in with Apple enables users to sign into apps and websites using their Apple ID.

Sign in with Apple Documentation

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Post marked as solved
5 Replies
Hello,I'm trying to implement Sign In with Apple on my website. Currently I got this error: Your request could not be completed due to an error. Try again later.You can check this here: tested it with Apple JS and with the code example from this Git repository: don't know what is wrong. Please help.kind regardsPeter
Post marked as solved
53 Replies
Hi,We've just implemented Apple Sign In according to the documentation (, the login is working fine, but there is no way to get the email from the token. We tried a lot of different scopes, and while only a few seem to be valid (name, email, openid), they don't seem to change anything to the response of the token. The only field that's in there is "id_token", and the only useful field in the "id_token" is "sub", which seems to be a unqiue identifier. Is there a way to retrieve the email address?Thanks!
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40 Replies
I am implementing Sign in with Apple using the JS framework.When the user (me, right now) signs in for the first time, I get data I need!The parameters look like thisParameters:{"state"=>"[state]", "code"=>"[code]", "id_token"=> "[jws token]", "user"=>"{\"email\":\"[the email I need]\"}"}My scope is just "email," I don't need (or want) their name.Next, I try signing in again (same everything)But, I get this optionWhen I click "continue" the data looks like thisParameters:{"state"=>"[state]", "code"=>"[code]", "id_token"=> "[id token]"}As you can tell, there is no user object, no email, nothing I can use!If I do the code response and get an access token, I can't use it. There's no public, known endpoints to just get the email they used. There's no point in storing the email if I can never check for it the next time they sign in.This is happening on multiple browsers on macOS 10.14.4.On my iPhone running iOS 13 developer beta 3, every time I click the button, I get the option to "share" or "hide" my email (even though, as shown above, I've sign in before), and sharing the email actually shares it, while hiding it.. well hides it.However, the user data is always there.This bug(?) only appears when clicking Continue, which I can assume appears on devices that aren't running iOS 13. It's quite a problem on devices that aren't this small set of devices, so I hope this is either known, easily fixable, or something! Thanks for any help you can provide.
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1 Replies
I saw the descriptionYou may verify the refresh token up to once a day to confirm that the user’s Apple ID on that device is still in good standing with Apple’s .I have two question about the description:Why should we verify the refresh token instead of access token to confirm the user's Apple ID is still in good standing with Apple's server?The doc said refresh token can only verify once a day. But i can verify refresh token multiple times in practice. Is there some conflict between documentation and implementation? on 10/17/2019:For apps running on other systems, use the periodic successful verification of the refresh token to determine the lifetime of the user session.I also saw the description above in in . I think periodic is also conflict with once a day.
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1 Replies
We've implementing SIWA on iOS and a web application using Sign in with Apple JS. I've setup a service ID tied to the application ID and can succesfully get callbacks on both platforms. I'm noticing that the user id provided by the iOS app is different than the id provided by the web application.We were expecting these to be different so we can store on our end and identify the user without having to use their email.
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
7.7k Views per the above link, to verify an IDToken signature, Apple's public key needs to be used.I am able to fetch Apple's public key, but I am unable to verify the signature of IDToken via the public key. I am trying to implement this in Java.. What exactly is meant by "JWS E256 signature"? Which algorithm?Also, once public key is fetched (sample PK posted below), which algorithm to use to form the public key? { "keys": [ { "kty": "RSA", "kid": "AIDOPK1", "use": "sig", "alg": "RS256", "n": "someValue", "e": "someValue" } ] }
Post not yet marked as solved
9 Replies
We’re not receiving email claim in the id token on the initial authorization request with Sign in with Apple API.We faced this issue just 3 times, on 2 different apps with 2 different bundle IDs. This is not a persistent issue, most of the time it works fine.Is the email always in the id token? What are the cases in which the email isn't there?
Post not yet marked as solved
8 Replies
I'm integrating the social login using apple sdk on a big brazilian e-commerce.Actually our login flow require the apple id popup solution to prevent user get out site, actually Im using this configurations on init:Init code:window.AppleID.auth.init({ clientId: '', redirectURI: '', usePopup: true, })The app url is: url is an example.Login code:try { const data = await AppleID.auth.signIn() return data //doest receive } catch (error) { console.error({error}) }THE PROBLEM IS:When popup is opened and appleid and password is correctly submit, the popup does`t retuns the promise.When cancel button is trigger the popup does`t close and error is not calledJust when popup is closed by navigation button the error is calledI need help, whats the problems on implementation?
Post marked as Apple Recommended
In Sign in with apple, users has a option to hide their email. I'm looking for a option to get a original email through apple sign in. is there any possibility to disable the option "hide your email" in apple sign in? or any sdk options to get original email?
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
When I use the Generate and Validate Tokens endpoint - with an Authorization Grant Code, the endpoint returns a refresh_token and id_token among other things. When the id_token expires, I can use the refresh_token to create a new one. However, when I use the refresh token on this endpoint, it doesn't return a new refresh_token. Why is that?
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7 Replies
In the following environment: iOS 14 beta, Xcode Version 12.0 beta 6 (12A8189n) try to implement user Apple Login with Firebase. Works until password entering screen and then hangs up on simulator or finished with error on device. Sign In with Apple is enabled in App.
Post marked as Apple Recommended
Hi, My name is Sem and I am making an app for my school project. I have made an app where you can log in to an account, but now I want something extra: Sign in with Apple. If I go to the "Signing & Capabilities" tab in Xcode and add a capability, "Sign in with Apple" is not there. Now I have done some research but did not get any wiser. Can anyone help me how to fix this? PS: I am doing this for school so do not want a paid Apple Devolpers account, is it than still possible? Hopefully someone can help me! Sem
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
We have changed return URLs for one Service ID, but the change is not propagated. The old return URL still works and we get "Invalid web redirect URL". We even tried deleting Service ID with old return URLs and created new Service ID with new redirect URLs. But the only one that works is the one that we deleted.
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2 Replies
My existing chrome extension has "Sign in with Apple" given that we have iOS users. When user clicks "Continue with Apple" button in the extension log in pop up, this is what we do: javascript '' + clientID + '&redirect_uri=' + backEndURL + '&response_type=id_token%20code&response_mode=form_post&scope=email%20name', 'Sign in with Apple', 'height=500,width=400,left=600,top=200,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no' ) In chrome, this opens a popup window with that URL. In Safari Converted Web Extension, it opens custom Apple sign in flow, where it says: "Do you want to sign in to *** with your Apple ID YYY?" and then with my mac password I'm able to authenticate. Afterwards, nothing happens. Expected: a redirect to the URL specified in the Now let's do a trick: I'll wrap the above code into javascript setTimeout (() = { (...)}, 3000) Because of security reasons, safari then won't open the popup after 3s and will display a notification in the toolbar "Popup blocked..". If we allow the popup, then it finally opens as a normal window popup and after sign in, it redirects to our backend and it successfully authenticates. Any ides what how to solve this? P.S. We're not able to use embedded Sign in with Apple JS - script because we can't host a remote code in the extension (it will be deprecated soon). So, we arere using this. -
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
After successfully logging in using apple sign-in. I get back the default response: the authorization code. I send the entire payload to my backend to which I then, use the docs - to verify the auth_code. I get back this response. { "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "client_id mismatch. The code was not issued to com.example.bundle." } I've checked the bundleId several times. I've created new Identifiers and keys, used those new values instead and I get the same issue. According to the errorResponse - documentation: invalid_grant The authorization grant or refresh token is invalid, typically due to a mismatched or invalid client identifier, invalid code (expired or previously used authorization code), or invalid refresh token. Any recommended test solutions to diagnose this issue?
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3 Replies
Something seems to be wrong in the Apple Sign In modal. After pressing the Continue button and going through Face ID, it displays Sign Up Not Completed and does not proceed. This was working fine a few days ago, but then I had to download a new provisioning profile and now it is broken. There are no errors in the log when this happens, but when I close the sign in modal it logs: [core] Authorization failed: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7003 "(null)" The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 1001.) Please help! I even spun up a fresh new project and made new ID / Provisioning profile and this error is still happening. Thanks!
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1 Replies
Our welcome email sent to new users using Apple private relay ends up in Gmail spam folder. The same email sent to users directly isn't classified by Gmail as spam - so it's not the email content that causes Gmail to mark is as junk. Our domain SPF / DKIM configuration is correct - the emails don't bounce at Apple's relay, they are delivered to users inboxes. The problem is with Gmail seeing them as spam. Is there any explanation why Gmail could treat the emails as spam? Is there anything we could configure on our side?