Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

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I'm working on some apps at the minute, with the intention of running a lot of automated UI tests. Xcode cloud looks great and has a lot of integrated features, but having to make sure I don't run too many hours so my subscription doesn't stop mid dev cycle, or getting a surprise large bill etc, are things I want to avoid. Even the cheapest paid plan for a year works out about the same cost as an M2 mac mini, which would probably be significantly faster than the cloud nodes. Github actions allow you to provide your own machines. But actions requires a lot more scripting, and so far they've been very slow to update Macos/Xcode versions (not sure how this will effect supplying own machine). My preference would be to deploy my own machine for Xcode cloud, similar to what we used to be able to do with Xcode server. I think this is currently impossible right? Is there any word that this might be an added feature in the near future?
by simonmcl.
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10 Replies
I'm new to Xcode cloud - working with a Mac OS app, build is working great. Now I am trying to add a Test action; the testing target builds but won't run, and the error indicates it can't find the testing bundle in the expected build output. There's also mention of a code signing error, but I have automatic code signing enabled with the same settings on test target as the app. I am only running the unit test (XCTest) scheme, not the UI tests. When I run it locally from the IDE it works fine, either selecting the test scheme explicitly or as the test step of the app scheme. I notice the XCTest target's scheme setup uses Debug builds and expects the test output to be in the Debug .app bundle, I thought perhaps that was the problem (in case only the release app bundle actually gets built in the Xcode Cloud environment). So I created a duplicate scheme and set the build targets to Release - again I can run this fine locally (after creating a release build), but it fails with the same error in Xcode cloud. I also tried changing the code signing certificate from "Development" to "Sign to run locally" to see if that made a difference, but I get the same error. (It's using my developer account Team, and "Automatically manage signing".) Can anyone relate the proper way to set up an XCTest scheme so that the tests will actually run in a Mac OS Xcode Cloud workflow? I'm using Xcode 14.0.1. Here's the full error output, with [AppName] and [TestTargetName] substituted for the actual: [AppName] (....) encountered an error (Failed to load the test bundle. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Volumes/workspace/resultbundle.xcresult. (Underlying Error: The bundle “[TestTargetName]” couldn’t be loaded. The bundle couldn’t be loaded. Try reinstalling the bundle. dlopen(/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[AppName].app/Contents/PlugIns/[TestTargetName].xctest/Contents/MacOS/[TestTargetName], 0x0109): tried: '/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[TestTargetName]' (no such file), '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/usr/lib/[TestTargetName]' (no such file), '/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[AppName].app/Contents/PlugIns/[TestTargetName].xctest/Contents/MacOS/[TestTargetName]' (code signature in <....> '/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[AppName].app/Contents/PlugIns/[TestTargetName].xctest/Contents/MacOS/[TestTargetName]' not valid for use in process: mapped file has no Team ID and is not a platform binary (signed with custom identity or adhoc?)))) Thanks!
by ccorbell.
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2 Replies
I'm trying to increase the compute hours on our Xcode Cloud, but it says this needs to be performed via the Apple Developer App. The issue is that my iOS devices are authenticated with my personal Apple ID and not my work/developer Apple ID. Is there any way to upgrade my subscription on Desktop? Any other suggestions how I can upgrade our subscription?
by pstrauss.
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We have a release build workflow for our primary app, and we set up email and webhook notifications for it. This is to hopefully not miss when this workflow completes. Unfortunately, we seem to be getting these build notifications days after completion. This has happened several times. In this case, the build completed Friday afternoon for us, we submitted the new version, and it was released hours later. But we didn't get the workflow notification until Sunday. We get them in Slack and Email. I'm considering turning these notifications off since their late arrival is rendering them almost useless.
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I was trying to update my workflow but Xcode shows me this: However when I push up to my testFlight branch it goes through and does everything as it's supposed to. I even got an email saying that everything was successful. If I try to go through the process of setting up XCode Cloud it will just have the spinning indicator forever and I have to force quit Xcode. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I am running Xcode 15.2
by clmaciel.
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I'm trying to download artifacts from some recent Xcode Cloud builds. In both Xcode and App Store Connect I'm getting errors. Xcode says: "Error Fetching Test Results: API Invalid status code: 501. App Store Connect says: "artifacts could not be found." FB13773789 - Xcode Cloud: Service returning 501 in Xcode when trying to view artifacts of successful build from minutes ago I have tried several projects to rule out project specific issues and it is happening to all of my Xcode Cloud enabled projects. Both Xcode 15.3 and 15.4 beta exhibit this behavior. Is anyone else running into this issue? I noticed it yesterday, and it continues into this morning.
by edorphy.
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Today I have tried to add a second archive action for visionOS. I had added a visionOS destination to my app target a while back and can build and archive my app for visionOS in Xcode 15.3 locally, and also run it on the device. Xcode Cloud is giving me the following errors in the Archive - visionOS action (Archive - iOS works): Invalid Info.plist value. The value for the key 'DTPlatformName' in bundle MyApp.app is invalid. Invalid sdk value. The value provided for the sdk portion of LC_BUILD_VERSION in MyApp.app/MyApp is 17.4 which is greater than the maximum allowed value of 1.2. This bundle is invalid. The value provided for the key MinimumOSVersion '17.0' is not acceptable. Type Mismatch. The value for the Info.plist key CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon is not of the required type for that key. See the Information Property List Key Reference at https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/general/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009248-SW1 All 4 errors are annotated with "Prepare Build for App Store Connect" and I get them for both "TestFlight (Internal Testing Only)" and "TestFlight and App Store" deployment preparation options. I have tried to remove the visionOS destination and add it back, but this is not changing the project at all. Any ideas what I am missing?
by RK123.
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2 Replies
After archiving no artifacts could be found but the release is in the Testflight, it has been happening since this morning. Do you have any ideas about how can I solve it? Thanks. @eskimo @meaton Update: The 501 (Not Implemented) status code indicates that the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request
by JesusMG.
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Hello, I've got a "other swift flag" set up for one of my schemes. It works when I build locally, but not when I try building using Xcode Cloud. My Other Swift Flags is set up like this: My code looks something like this: class Config { #if LIMITED static let configProperty = 1 #endif } However, Xcode Cloud says Config has no member 'configProperty', when I build my 'Limited' scheme.
by GBecker.
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can not login successfully, if I input my password it will give my error hint. but when I type the right password and username, nothing happened, the cloud tab still appear like the one in the screenshot . I have already to to restart xcode, It do not help. the same usename and password can login into the forum app store connect. what should I do?
by fradum.
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Since April 30 (yesterday as of this writing) Xcode Cloud builds are failing randomly, usually citing an internal Apple network failure. NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=A non-HTTP 200 response was received (502) for URL https://developerservices2.apple.com/services/QH65B2/listTeams.action?clientId=XABBG36SBA Because of this network failure, the build cannot fetch my app ID NSLocalizedDescription=Capabilities for bundle ID "Twine" could not be fetched. Please file a bug report at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com and include the Update Signing report from the Report navigator., IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3 This is a multi platform app, iOS, macOS, and visionOS. Usually one or two platforms will succeed, with one or two failing. From build to build, with no source changes, the successful platform randomly changes. But I never get a complete build.
by jhokit.
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7 Replies
Xcode cloud builds were failing with the following error. It wasn't the problem before yesterday morning 26.Apr.2023 before 1:00 PM. Please let me know what the issue is or if there is anything I can do to solve this. Additional information: The app is a react-native app. error: RPC failed; HTTP 502 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 502 fatal: expected flush after ref listing info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install for documentation about this command. [in /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios] [!] Invalid Podfile file: cannot load such file -- /Volumes/workspace/repository/node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods. from /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Podfile:1 ------------------------------------------- require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods' require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules' ------------------------------------------- Error Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 1
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23 Replies
During SPM Package resolution we are seeing lots of 502 errors in the logs when Xcode Cloud tries to talk to github. Anyone else seeing this? Not sure how to get this issue resolved but it is impacted all of our builds. Example of the error we're seeing. We see these for lots of different packages and even our own source (though in that case it looks like Xcode Cloud tried again and succeeded the second time). xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies: Failed to clone repository https://github.com/zendesk/sdk_zendesk_ios: Cloning into bare repository '/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/SourcePackages/repositories/sdk_zendesk_ios-1d7ac730'... error: RPC failed; HTTP 502 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 502 fatal: expected flush after ref listing Failed to clone repository https://github.com/apple/swift-async-algorithms: Cloning into bare repository '/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/SourcePackages/repositories/swift-async-algorithms-c3a8d752'... fatal: unable to access 'http://github.com/apple/swift-async-algorithms/': The requested URL returned error: 502
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18 Replies
Since I started using XCode Cloud, my builds regularly failed due to networking issues, which is really just embarrassing. How can a company like Apple, which praises itself with a high-quality standard, ***** this up so badly? However, since two months ago literally every single build started failing for "connection reset by peer" My ci_post_clone.sh runs this code and surprisingly enough that step succeeds most of the time. #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e brew install cocoapods curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" sdk install java 20.0.1-tem # cd into actual project root cd ../../../ ./gradlew app:ios:podinstall However in the archive task the errors start rolling in 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108163427Z Could not resolve com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing-api:1.9.0-1.0.11. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108168428Z > Could not get resource 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/google/devtools/ksp/symbol-processing-api/1.9.0-1.0.11/symbol-processing-api-1.9.0-1.0.11.pom'. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108173676Z > Could not GET 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/google/devtools/ksp/symbol-processing-api/1.9.0-1.0.11/symbol-processing-api-1.9.0-1.0.11.pom'. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108181057Z > Got socket exception during request. It might be caused by SSL misconfiguration 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108186894Z > Connection reset by peer 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108206745Z Could not resolve com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing-api:1.9.0-1.0.11. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108213605Z > 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108219500Z Could not get resource 'https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/google/devtools/ksp/symbol-processing-api/1.9.0-1.0.11/symbol-processing-api-1.9.0-1.0.11.pom'. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108234940Z > 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108239423Z Could not GET 'https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/google/devtools/ksp/symbol-processing-api/1.9.0-1.0.11/symbol-processing-api-1.9.0-1.0.11.pom'. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108662595Z Got socket exception during request. It might be caused by SSL misconfiguration 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108669328Z 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108716268Z 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108725059Z > 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108732903Z Connection reset by peer 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108740596Z 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108748688Z > 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108759002Z Could not resolve com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing-api:1.9.0-1.0.11. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108820147Z > 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108829571Z Could not get resource 'https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/compose/dev/com/google/devtools/ksp/symbol-processing-api/1.9.0-1.0.11/symbol-processing-api-1.9.0-1.0.11.pom'. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108837310Z > 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108844471Z Could not GET 'https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/compose/dev/com/google/devtools/ksp/symbol-processing-api/1.9.0-1.0.11/symbol-processing-api-1.9.0-1.0.11.pom'. 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108860417Z 2023-08-30T22:27:24.108866956Z > Got socket exception during request. It might be caused by SSL misconfiguration So because it is highly unlikely or actually statistically impossible that repo.maven.apache.org, dl.google.com and maven.pkg.jetbrains.space all always decide to crash simultaneously whenever I run an XCode build for the past 3 months, this has to be an issue on their part. Did they suddenly stop allowing internet connections in the archive step? Apple Support was just useless and aksed for irrelevant and impossible information like: my browser my ipa file (of a failing build?!) Does anyone have any idea what causes this or has contacts to someone at apple which can fix this?
by Schlaubi.
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14 Replies
Hello, I am trying out Xcode Cloud for the first time. I could connect to Github in the initial setup and had a few failed builds (package resolution error), which I resolved fairly quickly. Now whenever I am trying to build, I get the following error: Xcode Cloud is unable to connect to the repository “<respository-name>”. Reconnect the repository to resume builds. I am unable to remove the connection from settings as well because it's stuck in a loading state. Is there a way to fix this?
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I'm trying to generate a build using Xcode Cloud, but the error below is displayed: /bin/sh: /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Pods/../../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/../scripts/xcode/with-environment.sh: No such file or directory This error occurs when I'm generating the archive. It's worth mentioning that if I try to run the archive manually in Xcode > Product > Archive, it works. Can someone help me out?
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6 Replies
Archive a package. [Window] -&gt; [Organizer] -&gt; select package just archived -&gt; click [Distribute App] select [App Store Connect] -&gt; click [Distribute] -&gt; CRASH! crash log Process: Xcode [12835] Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode Identifier: com.apple.dt.Xcode Version: 15.3 (22618) Build Info: IDEApplication-22618000000000000~2 (15E204a) App Item ID: 497799835 App External ID: 863955376 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2024-04-15 11:05:05.6599 +0800 OS Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: E74ED973-D26C-0B5C-FDB1-837215F4F6B9 Sleep/Wake UUID: 6627EBDD-D3B7-4988-B9E5-BEDB5E1ED228 Time Awake Since Boot: 92000 seconds Time Since Wake: 11424 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process: Xcode [12835] Application Specific Information: abort() called Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x194e6aa60 __pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x194ea2c20 pthread_kill + 288 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x194dafa20 abort + 180 3 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f049f4 swift::fatalErrorv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 128 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f04a14 swift::fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 32 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f04be0 swift::swift_abortRetainUnowned(void const*) + 48 6 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f08f10 swift_unownedRetainStrong + 140 7 SwiftUI 0x1c1cea47c 0x1c075f000 + 22590588 8 SwiftUI 0x1c1cea42c 0x1c075f000 + 22590508 9 AppKit 0x198c517d4 -[_NSQuickActionAutovalidationScheduler windowDidUpdate:] + 140 10 CoreFoundation 0x194f76b1c __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 148 11 CoreFoundation 0x19500adb8 ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88 12 CoreFoundation 0x19500ad00 _CFXRegistrationPost + 440 13 CoreFoundation 0x194f45648 _CFXNotificationPost + 768 14 Foundation 0x196061464 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 88 15 CoreFoundation 0x194fadd4c -[NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 212 16 AppKit 0x1987dccb4 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 108 17 AppKit 0x1987dcc0c -[NSApplication updateWindows] + 64 18 AppKit 0x198c19a3c __38-[NSApplication setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke_2 + 56 19 AppKit 0x198c1eb6c ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 64 20 CoreFoundation 0x194f81254 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 36 21 CoreFoundation 0x194f81140 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 536 22 CoreFoundation 0x194f8076c __CFRunLoopRun + 776 23 CoreFoundation 0x194f7fe0c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 24 HIToolbox 0x19f71b000 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 25 HIToolbox 0x19f71ac90 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 220 26 HIToolbox 0x19f71ab94 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76 27 AppKit 0x1987d8970 _DPSNextEvent + 660 28 AppKit 0x198fcadec -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 700 29 DVTKit 0x10313f858 -[DVTApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 300 30 AppKit 0x1987cbcb8 -[NSApplication run] + 476 31 DVTKit 0x10313eb24 -[DVTApplication run] + 60 32 AppKit 0x1987a2f54 NSApplicationMain + 880 33 dyld 0x194b1a0e0 start + 2360
by DD520.
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For some time now XCode Cloud build keep failing with: The step invocation hit a user timeout. The xcodebuild archive invocation timed out. No activity has been detected on stdout, stderr or the result bundle in 30 minutes. This happens specifically on Asset catalogs processing. In my case the app has like 8K images, with most of them tagged via Apple's ODR system so only the assets user needs are loaded, but the associated build step still takes a lot of time, usually 90+ minutes. It was fine before the timeout got implemented. Is there any whay to raise the timeout for a specific project? As it stands now the XCode Cloud is useless for this project as it can't do what it was intended for.
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It seems I used the wrong Bitbucket account when setting up my project with Xcode Cloud. Now when I proceed with the "Grant Access" step, all I get is this error: Bitbucket Cloud installation was incomplete Repository was not found. Either the repository does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. Is there any way to reset this and start over?
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