Provisioning Profile

I get the below error while I build the app for a device

Provisioning profile "######" doesn't include signing certificate "##########".

Provisioning profile "########" doesn't include the currently selected device "#########".

What do I need to do to resolve this?

What version Xcode, on which version iOS, using what device?

Did you use Xcode to create that app?

Do you have a paid Developer Program account or are you attempting to work with Xcode's free provisioning?

Seems like there's a button to add this on the Signings and capabilities tab under the signing heading

Answer by dory2380 should be the accepted answer. There is a button indeed, called "Register device" under Signing and Capabilities.

Fast Forward one year using Xcode 15 - I got this same error, but the 'Register device' button is gone for me. On the plus side, all I had to do was to open the Signing and Capabilities tab on my app target, and it automatically started the device registration 👍

Seems like this is something that the build could handle, or the error could at least prompt us with the solution.

Go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ and delete all the provisioning profiles from there. Go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and select the Apple ID. Click Download Manual Profiles or Download All Profiles. And it will download all the provisioning profiles again.

Provisioning Profile