losing data from IndexedDB

We are developing a web app which is using IndexedDB to store data.

Under certain events in iOS (so far, we have found: low storage, remove website data from Safari) the data is wiped.

Are there other reasons why deletion occurs?

I think it's due to the specification of "ITP 2.3", but not all iPads have this problem.

What's the difference between a problem iPad and a non-problem iPad?

Are there any options to prevent this?


I'm also running into this issue, and it appears random. I've caught it happening via my remote logging. A user has valid login session data stored in IndexedDB one day. The next day, they open the PWA and the IndexedDB is gone and reset from scratch. It doesn't appear to be related to anything time based, since the log messages where they had valid session data and when they didn't are 24 hours apart. This is a PWA killer.