xcode cloud ci_scripts failing with unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''

Hello , I am facing following error while building my project on xcode cloud using custom ci scripts .


ci_post_clone.sh script is failing with following error. 

Run command: 'cd /Volumes/workspace/repository/ci_scripts && /Volumes/workspace/repository/ci_scripts/ci_post_clone.sh'

/Volumes/Task/ci_plan.env: line 2: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''

/Volumes/Task/ci_plan.env: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Here is my script : ci_post_clone.sh

touch availCert-dev.p12
touch availCert-qa.p12
touch availCert-stage.p12
touch availCert-prod.p12
ls -la

It also shows a warning message for shebang:

The ci_post_clone.sh is executable but exited with 1 exit code. Make sure a valid shebang line is specified if the file is a script and that the interpreter specified in the shebang line is supported on Xcode Cloud.

I will be appreciative for response on this issue.

Thank You

Here is the screenshot attached.

Hey @atandel I have a similar issue and found your question while looking for solution. Have you succeeded solving yours? :)

I am also facing below error The ci_post_xcodebuild.sh is executable but exited with 1 exit code. Make sure a valid shebang line is specified if the file is a script and that the interpreter specified in the shebang line is supported on Xcode Cloud.

xcode cloud ci_scripts failing with unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''