EDR-enabled SceneKit app?

Hello everyone 👋

Occasional Apple developer yet first time poster Flo here.

I've had this idea floating around my head for a while now, to develop a little toy that would make use of Apple's XDR displays, i.e. the one in my MBP. So essentially, I'm trying to do real-time 3D graphics utilising the HDR colour space, but I don't have the motivation to learn the bare metal Metal graphics API.

SceneKit, so I figured, would allow me to explore the EDR-rendering pipeline, since to my knowledge they all (SpriteKit, RealityKit etc.) use Metal under the hood anyway.

As per the WWDC '21 - Explore HDR rendering with EDR presentation, all I had to do was set a few properties on my view's underlying CAMetalLayer to enable EDR rendering for my macOS app. However, the SceneKit template in Xcode seems to be instantiating my view with a CALayer by default and when I try to replace it with a CAMetalLayer nothing gets rendered to the screen / window.

Am I oversimplifying things? All I want to do is display a bunch of colours that are brighter than reference white :<

If this is possible at all, I would appreciate any pointers.

Thanks for reading 🙏

EDR-enabled SceneKit app?