Tap to Pay: Been waiting 26 days after submitting user flow video for review

Any tips how my company and I can proceed with our Tap to Pay implementation review with Apple? As the title says, we submitted a video 26 days ago and have no traction.

I've replied to Apple's "Request Access..." email multiple times with "Case-ID: blah blah" as the first line every time. Between 4 to 6 days later I get the same auto-reply saying "Your entitlement request for the Tap to Pay for iPhone has been granted with the Development Profile restriction...".

We've been release-ready for several weeks now. Our product roadmap is being adversely affected by this bottleneck.

Any suggestions are welcome! We're at a loss right now.


Timeline of Events

  • 24 Oct - Submitted TtP for iPhone entitlement request via Apple's web form
  • 27 Oct - Received email confirming entitlement with Development Profile restriction
  • 02 Nov - Replied with video recording of our apps TtP flow
  • 10 Nov - Received same entitlement confirmation email as 27 Oct
  • 13 Nov - Replied asking if Apple needs anything else from us
  • 17 Nov - Received same entitlement confirmation email as 27 Oct
  • 22 Nov - Resent video from a different email account
  • 28 Nov (today) - Received same entitlement confirmation email as 27 Oct

How did your company register to be PSP with Apple?

Did this eventually get resolved? @Jordanian did they get back to you? We've only been waiting a week but I'm dreading a long and frustrating wait... what should I prepare myself for? Were you using Stripe or some other PSP?

Tap to Pay: Been waiting 26 days after submitting user flow video for review