Platform SSO saveLoginConfiguration error

Hi all. I'm trying to implement a Platform SSO extension for macOS and I'm freaking out. It's so complicated and with almost zero guidance documentation.

I established a starting point in my SSO extension and I get the registration request to my beginDeviceRegistrationUsingLoginManager (I managed all the AASA file, MDM stuff).

In this method I'm creating a ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration and I try to save it into the loginManager (ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginManager which I get from the method) using saveLoginConfiguration. It worked fine, and without changing anything I started getting the next error:

failed to save loginConfiguration: Error Code=1000 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7ff77ff63b30 {Error Code=-1008 "Token endpoint URL is not approved profile URL." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Token endpoint URL is not approved profile URL.}}}

This is my configuration:

ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration *loginConfiguration = [[ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration alloc] initWithClientID:@"***" issuer:@"" tokenEndpointURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] jwksEndpointURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] audience:@"***"];

And this is where it breaks:

BOOL saveConf = [self.loginManager saveLoginConfiguration:loginConfiguration error:&confError];

Can someone help me with this error please?

Answered by noam in 778041022

OK, I found out that a line in my associated domains caused it. Although I had the right line in there, I had another line with a diff domain that didn't match. It didn't accept me having two lines with authsrv and diff domains. Once I removed it everything started working again.

Accepted Answer

OK, I found out that a line in my associated domains caused it. Although I had the right line in there, I had another line with a diff domain that didn't match. It didn't accept me having two lines with authsrv and diff domains. Once I removed it everything started working again.

I also encountered some issues. Can you share your code with me for reference?

Platform SSO saveLoginConfiguration error