Podcast Dashboard for Listeners

Hello, I don't run a podcast, therefore, I am not referring to the apple podcasts connect platform, and have been trying to get in contact with someone at Apple Podcasts. I would like to talk to developer support or someone who could consult on how to best approach something i'd like to build as an open source tool. I listen to a lot of podcasts and would like an analytics dashboard and toolset to take notes from the podcasts that I listen to on Apple Podcasts. Although, it would be just a good start to have analytics, accessing all of the info. I need to be able to plug into an API and pull all of that data from my account. Is there any way I can access this or talk to someone about this? I have a lot of historical data I assume from all of the shows i'm subscribed to and would like to visualize all of this. Is this possible? From my research, it seems that there is no way to access the information from the Podcasts app? Is there any infra for this?

Podcast Dashboard for Listeners