CallKit : VOIP call is disconnecting when external call is declined


I have implemented VOIP calling feature in my application using OpenTok SDK and CallKit framework. Calling feature is working most of the time. But there is one strange issue I have come across.

During a call, if any external cellular call appears and if I decline that external call then my running voip call also disconnects. This is happening some of the iPhone devices.

iPhone config:

  • Model: iPhone 11
  • iOS Version: 17.3

I have added loggers CXEndCallAction and -provider:performEndCallAction and debugged at my end. I found that CXEndCallAction is not executing from my end but still -provider:performEndCallAction is triggered by iOS along with my ongoing callUUID.

This is very strange behaviour I am observing in one of my iPhone device. I have tested this in 4 iPhone devices but i am facing this issue only in 1 iPhone.


CallKit : VOIP call is disconnecting when external call is declined