Header search paths for runtime computation of metal kernels.

Is it possible to set the header include paths when compiling a metal library from source at runtime?

I'm dynamically generating kernel source that I'm compiling at runtime. I want to include some functions I have defined in a header. If I was doing online computation, I can specify include paths using -I /path/to/include using the command.

xcrun metal -c -I /path/to/include example.metal -o example.air

However when I'm online, it doesn't appear possible to define a header search path.

MTLCompileOptions *options = [MTLCompileOptions new];
options.fastMathEnabled = NO;

library = [device newLibraryWithSource:kernel_source

Is there a way to specify a header search path using newLibraryWithSource?

No. There is no way to specify additional header search paths when compiling from source at runtime.

Header search paths for runtime computation of metal kernels.