Sensor Kit watchOS

Is it possible to get access to the class SRWristDetection of the SensorKit Framework in a watchOS app? As part of a project, we need to be able to log in to a service and as soon as the watch is taken off, the user must be logged out.

So for the SensorKit framework, first as I understand it, you must be approved as a research study to obtain the entitlements. Then the way SensorKit works, once the user provides authorization, is that you start a recorder and this allows the device to store the events. But you only have access to the events after 24 hours have passed. Given these constraints, I don't think it will be possible to detect and react in real time a SRWristDetection event. We also have wished to be able to use SensorKit data in real time to perform for JITAI (Just In Time Adaptive Interventions) - maybe someday :)

Sensor Kit watchOS