need help updating an app to work on ios 17+

I have an app that needs re-signing/updating to work on ios 17 (ios 17.4.1). I have renamed the IPA file to zip and extracted it to the desktop. The files in the extracted folder are: ItunesArtwork ItunesMetadata.plist Payload folder

Payload folder contains the app App package contents contains all the app files, including the _CodeSignature folder. I extracted the package contents to a folder on the desktop. Xcode 15.3 (15E204a) is installed.

Need the steps necessary to complete it and generate the new IPA file to test.

Thanks all, Ed

We don’t have a standard workflow for re-signing iOS apps [1]. My general advice is that you not do this. Rather, go back to the original Xcode archive (.xcarchive) and use Xcode to export a newly signed copy. That’s a workflow that we actively support.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] You’ll find lots of advice on how to do that out on the ’net, and much of it is bad.

need help updating an app to work on ios 17+