Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Posts under Xcode Cloud tag

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Provide my own machine for Xcode Cloud
I'm working on some apps at the minute, with the intention of running a lot of automated UI tests. Xcode cloud looks great and has a lot of integrated features, but having to make sure I don't run too many hours so my subscription doesn't stop mid dev cycle, or getting a surprise large bill etc, are things I want to avoid. Even the cheapest paid plan for a year works out about the same cost as an M2 mac mini, which would probably be significantly faster than the cloud nodes. Github actions allow you to provide your own machines. But actions requires a lot more scripting, and so far they've been very slow to update Macos/Xcode versions (not sure how this will effect supplying own machine). My preference would be to deploy my own machine for Xcode cloud, similar to what we used to be able to do with Xcode server. I think this is currently impossible right? Is there any word that this might be an added feature in the near future?
Xcode 15 + UI tests: text field timeout
Hello! Since Xcode 15 came out, I've been having this issue with UI tests where the test runner hangs for 60s when the keyboard is presented. In the test logs I get this kind of messages: 00:07.588 Wait for com.example.app to idle 01:07.642 App event loop idle notification not received, will attempt to continue. Interestingly, this only appears to be happening in CI environments (I've tried Xcode cloud and Circle CI). It works fine on my local machine. Everything is fine with Xcode 14, but I can't keep my CI environment stuck on Xcode 14 forever. I've tried disabling animations using UIView.setAnimationsEnabled(false), but it did not fix the problem. Here are the full logs of what it takes to fill out a text field: logs.txt
iOS Archive using Xcode Cloud
I'm trying to generate a build using Xcode Cloud, but the error below is displayed: /bin/sh: /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Pods/../../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/../scripts/xcode/with-environment.sh: No such file or directory This error occurs when I'm generating the archive. It's worth mentioning that if I try to run the archive manually in Xcode > Product > Archive, it works. Can someone help me out?
Invitation to the team - can't proceed with request
Hi, I'd received an invitation for test flight, but first, i need to join their development team. I'd received the email invitation for joining the team. Click "Accept Invitation", and prompt to log in. Success. But, I'd received "Cannot proceed with the request" message. Although, I'd try 2 different account tester. When, I click, "Contact Us". This page appeared. And I realize that, sometime, I didn't receive the invitation link although my teammate had sent it multiple times...
Xcode Cloud stopped working: neither Xcode nor browser can connect
I started to use Xcode Cloud recently trying to understand how the whole build process etc. works. I created some workflows, integrated ci scripts to let fastlane create snapshots in the end, and everything seem to work while I was making progress step by step to get it up and running (struggling with the environment, etc.). Then last night it suddenly stopped working in the form, that Xcode shows the builds, but the last build still shows a spinner, although the job has finished already When I try to cancel the last run from Xcode (thought it was not finished) I get an error: Failed to Cancel Build 57. An internal error occurred while authenticating. Try again later. (FB13802231) When I open Manage Workflows…, Xcode suddenly shows "This operation could not be completed" and details reveal: The operation couldn’t be completed. ((extension in XcodeCloudKit):XcodeCloudAPI.Client.HTTPClientError error 0.) (FB13802952) Trying to access the Xcode Cloud tab of the app or general from users and permissions shows a white page with a spinner. The console filtered by Xcode shows (around the time the error happens): Failed to query public key: 0xe800000c The Safari browser console shows: An internal error occurred while authenticating. Try again later. What works: I can login to AppStore Connect without problem. I am logged-in in Xcode (but there's no option to logout and re-login) I can use tools like fastlane with API calls (or some xcc command line tool) and list the products, workflows and runs using my API key. From this information I also figured out, that the build in question (57) where Xcode still shows the spinner, has finished (failing) already. I was also able to start a new build manually (58) via API, which however has finished 3 seconds after creation, but has never started (startedDate is empty while createdDate and finshedDate contains data). I was able to delete the workflow via API in hope that the problem goes away, but theres no change in Xcode (still shows the same picture with the workflow and last build 57 spinning). I should have used <4 / 25 hours of free plan of Xcode Cloud this month, so limit not exceeded. I'm on macOS 14.4.1, Xcode 15.3. Seems I can't make use of Xcode Cloud at all anymore right now which keeps me from proceeding now on my way to first time deliver to AppStore (still understanding and learning). I also provided info about the 2 Xcode errors as feedback, which I linked above. Any help on how to reset / do whatever is necessary to make it work again is very much appreciated.
Build visible to all internal test group users except owner himself
I posted earlier about my problems seing my own build in the Testflight app, despite it being in "Testing" status for the internal tester group. I added more users and they are all receiving invitations and testing the build normally. I am the only one who doesn't see the build in my Testflight app in my iPhone. I tried sending myself a new invitation, I removed and re-added myself, nothing works. With other apps, no problems at all. I see my own builds and am able to install and run them as a member of the internal test group. The same app built with XCode installs and works normally on my phone. What is the problem with Testflight distribution ?
Issue with Pulling SPM from AWS CodeArtifact in Xcode Cloud - SSL Error Intermittently Occurs
Hi everyone, I'm encountering an intermittent issue with my Xcode Cloud CI/CD pipeline when pulling Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependencies from AWS CodeArtifact. The build process occasionally fails with an SSL error, but other times it succeeds without any issues. This inconsistency is causing significant disruption to our continuous integration process. Environment: Xcode Cloud Swift Package Manager (SPM) for dependency management AWS CodeArtifact as the package registry Error Message: Error: registry login using https://xx-xx-xx.codeartifact.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/swift/***/login failed: The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "xx-xx-xx.codeartifact.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com" which could put your confidential information at risk.. Would you like to connect to the server anyway?
UI tests on Xcode Cloud became unstable when switched environment to Sonoma
My project has UI tests with total length of ~50 minutes. I'm using Xcode Cloud for builds delivery, UI tests execution is the part of the workflow. When I was using Monterey as tests environment everything was fine, but now it's no longer available so i had to switch to Sonoma. Since this i wasn't able to run anything but a couple of separate UI tests, when I run all of them I'm having 2 major issues. Locally on my machine I have the same Xcode/MacOS/simulator versions and everything works perfectly, issues only appear on Xcode Cloud. Here are they: There is a huge time gap between build-for-testing is finished and test-without-building is started. The gap is more than 1 hour so the sum of build time, ui tests time and the gap results in more than 2 hours and tests execution fails with the timeout. Funny is when I try to run the a single UI test or just run unit tests this gap only lasts for like 2-6 minutes, but when I add more tests the gap goes huge and fails everything. Also I guess my company is paying for those gaps and runs of tests when they timeout because of it even tho it's not our fault. Second issue is that some UI tests just freeze in the meddle of execution. This happens when UI tests is trying to interact with text fields on modal view controllers, sometimes it happens during the text field lookup, sometimes - after it takes focus and test is trying to type things into it. This is cannot be dodged anyhow and it is not related to some specific code - I've intentionaly rewritten the whole view controller from UIKit to SwiftUI , changed the way I present it and the location of presentation. Looks like just having a text field on a modal view is enough for test to freeze. Have anyone experienced something like this? Found any solutions?
Xcode Cloud builds failing with random 502 errors when resolving packages
During SPM Package resolution we are seeing lots of 502 errors in the logs when Xcode Cloud tries to talk to github. Anyone else seeing this? Not sure how to get this issue resolved but it is impacted all of our builds. Example of the error we're seeing. We see these for lots of different packages and even our own source (though in that case it looks like Xcode Cloud tried again and succeeded the second time). xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies: Failed to clone repository https://github.com/zendesk/sdk_zendesk_ios: Cloning into bare repository '/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/SourcePackages/repositories/sdk_zendesk_ios-1d7ac730'... error: RPC failed; HTTP 502 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 502 fatal: expected flush after ref listing Failed to clone repository https://github.com/apple/swift-async-algorithms: Cloning into bare repository '/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/SourcePackages/repositories/swift-async-algorithms-c3a8d752'... fatal: unable to access 'http://github.com/apple/swift-async-algorithms/': The requested URL returned error: 502
Xcode Cloud Archive - visionOS fails with Info.plist errors?
Today I have tried to add a second archive action for visionOS. I had added a visionOS destination to my app target a while back and can build and archive my app for visionOS in Xcode 15.3 locally, and also run it on the device. Xcode Cloud is giving me the following errors in the Archive - visionOS action (Archive - iOS works): Invalid Info.plist value. The value for the key 'DTPlatformName' in bundle MyApp.app is invalid. Invalid sdk value. The value provided for the sdk portion of LC_BUILD_VERSION in MyApp.app/MyApp is 17.4 which is greater than the maximum allowed value of 1.2. This bundle is invalid. The value provided for the key MinimumOSVersion '17.0' is not acceptable. Type Mismatch. The value for the Info.plist key CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon is not of the required type for that key. See the Information Property List Key Reference at https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/general/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009248-SW1 All 4 errors are annotated with "Prepare Build for App Store Connect" and I get them for both "TestFlight (Internal Testing Only)" and "TestFlight and App Store" deployment preparation options. I have tried to remove the visionOS destination and add it back, but this is not changing the project at all. Any ideas what I am missing?
Xcode Cloud and other swift flags issue
Hello, I've got a "other swift flag" set up for one of my schemes. It works when I build locally, but not when I try building using Xcode Cloud. My Other Swift Flags is set up like this: My code looks something like this: class Config { #if LIMITED static let configProperty = 1 #endif } However, Xcode Cloud says Config has no member 'configProperty', when I build my 'Limited' scheme.
Xcode Cloud macOS won't run test scheme - "Failed to load the test bundle"
I'm new to Xcode cloud - working with a Mac OS app, build is working great. Now I am trying to add a Test action; the testing target builds but won't run, and the error indicates it can't find the testing bundle in the expected build output. There's also mention of a code signing error, but I have automatic code signing enabled with the same settings on test target as the app. I am only running the unit test (XCTest) scheme, not the UI tests. When I run it locally from the IDE it works fine, either selecting the test scheme explicitly or as the test step of the app scheme. I notice the XCTest target's scheme setup uses Debug builds and expects the test output to be in the Debug .app bundle, I thought perhaps that was the problem (in case only the release app bundle actually gets built in the Xcode Cloud environment). So I created a duplicate scheme and set the build targets to Release - again I can run this fine locally (after creating a release build), but it fails with the same error in Xcode cloud. I also tried changing the code signing certificate from "Development" to "Sign to run locally" to see if that made a difference, but I get the same error. (It's using my developer account Team, and "Automatically manage signing".) Can anyone relate the proper way to set up an XCTest scheme so that the tests will actually run in a Mac OS Xcode Cloud workflow? I'm using Xcode 14.0.1. Here's the full error output, with [AppName] and [TestTargetName] substituted for the actual: [AppName] (....) encountered an error (Failed to load the test bundle. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Volumes/workspace/resultbundle.xcresult. (Underlying Error: The bundle “[TestTargetName]” couldn’t be loaded. The bundle couldn’t be loaded. Try reinstalling the bundle. dlopen(/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[AppName].app/Contents/PlugIns/[TestTargetName].xctest/Contents/MacOS/[TestTargetName], 0x0109): tried: '/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[TestTargetName]' (no such file), '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/usr/lib/[TestTargetName]' (no such file), '/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[AppName].app/Contents/PlugIns/[TestTargetName].xctest/Contents/MacOS/[TestTargetName]' (code signature in <....> '/Volumes/workspace/TestProducts/Debug/[AppName].app/Contents/PlugIns/[TestTargetName].xctest/Contents/MacOS/[TestTargetName]' not valid for use in process: mapped file has no Team ID and is not a platform binary (signed with custom identity or adhoc?)))) Thanks!
Build notifications arrive days after build is complete
We have a release build workflow for our primary app, and we set up email and webhook notifications for it. This is to hopefully not miss when this workflow completes. Unfortunately, we seem to be getting these build notifications days after completion. This has happened several times. In this case, the build completed Friday afternoon for us, we submitted the new version, and it was released hours later. But we didn't get the workflow notification until Sunday. We get them in Slack and Email. I'm considering turning these notifications off since their late arrival is rendering them almost useless.
XCode Cloud asking to be set up, but it's already set up.
I was trying to update my workflow but Xcode shows me this: However when I push up to my testFlight branch it goes through and does everything as it's supposed to. I even got an email saying that everything was successful. If I try to go through the process of setting up XCode Cloud it will just have the spinning indicator forever and I have to force quit Xcode. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I am running Xcode 15.2
Unable to view artifacts from Xcode Cloud build in Xcode - getting 501 error message
I'm trying to download artifacts from some recent Xcode Cloud builds. In both Xcode and App Store Connect I'm getting errors. Xcode says: "Error Fetching Test Results: API Invalid status code: 501. App Store Connect says: "artifacts could not be found." FB13773789 - Xcode Cloud: Service returning 501 in Xcode when trying to view artifacts of successful build from minutes ago I have tried several projects to rule out project specific issues and it is happening to all of my Xcode Cloud enabled projects. Both Xcode 15.3 and 15.4 beta exhibit this behavior. Is anyone else running into this issue? I noticed it yesterday, and it continues into this morning.