Sign In with Apple for Web Page


I have integrated Sign In with Apple into my Swift App. Now I'd like to add Sign In with Apple into my website. I followed the instructions at and resulted in an html page:

                <meta name="appleid-signin-client-id" content="colourworker.SPAD">
                <meta name="appleid-signin-scope" content="name email">
                <meta name="appleid-signin-redirect-uri" content="">
                <meta name="appleid-signin-state" content="init">
                <meta name="appleid-signin-nonce" content="NONCE">
                <meta name="appleid-signin-use-popup" content="true">   
                <h1>Sign in with Apple</h1>
                <div id="appleid-signin" data-color="black" data-border="true" data-type="sign in"></div>
                <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

I have added to the list of Return URLs at

But when clicking on the Sign In With Apple button I get the following error: "invalid_request Invalid client id or web redirect url."

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

Sign In with Apple for Web Page