App is not showing up in search results

Hello Everyone, I have published my app few months back . The app does not show up in search when I search with the app name . It's a social media app and i provided the right key words .

FYI- But when I search the app with combining the company name and app name it shows up.

I am in contact with apple support for last 1 month and all the time , i get the an answer that the engineers are woking on it. They even suggested me to include the app name in the Key words, which I did , but no results. Today the supervisor suggests that support team might not be able to do much and I have to revisit my settings. I don't know what else to change other than the key words. . He also highlighted that since Language EN was chosen and the my app name is not an english word, could be also the reason for it not showing up in the search. Can someone please help to provide a solution to this.

App is not showing up in search results