iOS Requests Permission to Sign In when Signing/Logging Out

When using an ASWebAuthenticationSession to log in, with prefersEphemeralSession = false to enable SSO, the system presents an alert asking if the user wants to allow "SomeApp" to Sign In with "".

The system presents exactly the same alert when you want to log out, and it is confusing for users.

It's my understanding that the system does this because the alert really means "would you like to allow this app to let some page access Safari's shared cookie vault?" in lay terms, and is not distinguishing between create, read, update, or delete.

It would be splendid if Apple changes this dialog depending on the operation. I would also like to know if there is any other way to fix this.

Signing out isn't really an expected use case for ASWebAuthenticationSession today, but it is an interesting one. Can you tell us more about your use here and what you'd like to see via Feedback Assistant?

iOS Requests Permission to Sign In when Signing/Logging Out