family sharing REVOKE server-to-server notifications


I am processing both REFUNDED and REVOKED transactions on the client-side and on the server using Apple's App Store Server Notifications (V2). For transactions with an inAppOwnershipType of FAMILY_SHARED, I receive REVOKE notifications that (sometimes) do not include a revocationDate. What does this imply, and what actions should I take? Additionally, when I query their transaction IDs using the App Store API, they also lack a revocationDate and do not appear in the results when I filter for revoked transactions. Is it appropriate to block these users? Why are server-to-server REVOKE notifications sent in the first place if the transaction does not appear as revoked in the API?


That would generally imply the user lost and then reaquired access to the subscription very quickly, between the moment we noticed the revocation even and we built the notification to inform you of that revocation. You should have receive a notification informing you the user re-established access at around the same time.

Hi, thank you for your reply. I've double-checked the notifications received over the last two years, but I've only received REFUND and REVOKE notifications for non-consumable in-app purchases. Do you think it's safer not to block content for the end user when the revocation date is missing? If the user regains access, wouldn't they receive a different transaction ID? It seems that REVOKE transactions with the 'FAMILY_SHARED' ownership type don't have a revocation date unless they were revoked because the family member the made the purchase obtained a REFUND. If the user simply exits the family, the date is never included.

family sharing REVOKE server-to-server notifications