In-App Purchase

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Offer extra content, digital goods, and features directly within your app using in-app purchases.

Posts under In-App Purchase tag

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I can not fine Sandbox in Setting->App Store
Hi, I am testing an consumable in-app purchase for my app on an iPad, whenever I select to purchase, it always shows "For testing purpose only. You will not be charged for confirming this purchase.". Then I touch the blue Purchase button. It instantly shows "Done", then alerts "You're all set. Your purchase was successful. [Environment: Xcode]. It never asks me to enter a Sandbox account. I followed the instructions on "Testing in-app purchases with sandbox" page, but I can not find the sandbox account in Settings > App Store. I expected to see [Environment: Sandbox] so I could get the transaction id for App Store Server API. My iPadOS version is 17.4.1. My Xcode version is 15.1 and I use StoreKit with SwiftUI view. Can someone please shed some light on why I always get [Environment: Xcode]? I googled a lot, the process to test with Sandbox seems to be straightforward, But I just could not get it right. Thank you very much! KInd Regards, Shih-Chin Yang
Assistance with Configuring Free Tier and In-App Purchases for Cordova App
Hi, Thanks for getting back to me regarding my query. I'm developing a Cordova app that includes games with an initial free tier and additional tiers available through in-app purchases. Here’s a detailed explanation of what I’m aiming to achieve: Users can play a set of games for free initially (Free Tier). After playing a certain number of games, users can purchase additional game tiers: Tier 1: Adds 3 more games. Tier 2: Adds 6 more games. Tier 3: Adds 9 more games. Users can continue playing the games in any purchased tier indefinitely. If users do not wish to purchase additional tiers, they can continue playing the free tier games with limited themes but without restrictions on play count. Questions: How can I configure App Store Connect to offer the Free Tier initially and then present the in-app purchase options for the additional tiers? Is there a specific configuration in App Store Connect that supports this model, or do I need to handle this logic within the app itself? I appreciate any guidance you can provide on setting this up correctly. Best regards, T
in-app purchase with free tier
Hi, I am developing Cordova apps/games with in-app purchase products as well as an initial product as non-paid (Free) tier: New users will be able to play freely for a set of games as default at the beginning. Then, if they would like to have more games with different set of attributes or themes, they can add more games with in-app purchases. It is similar to a game called Subway Surfers in App Store I would play in the past. A new player initiates games as Free Tier. After, let us say 3 games, the user is asked if he/she would like to have more games to play with different scenes/themes in different Tiers, in addition to their disposal: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. For example Tier 1 adds 3 more games into the Free Tier games so they can play 6 games in the set;Tier 2 add 6 more games and so 9 games they can play and so on. Each individual game in their set is a variant of others in differing Tiers. If they don't wish and play Free Tier games, they may play them too, with limited set of themes but infinite times. If a user chooses a tier, let us say Tier 1, and when they play 6 games, they are asked if they would like advance to Tier 2 or Tier 3. If they choose Tier 2, as they complete the respective games they will be asked for Tier 3. However, if they don't wish to advance, again they can play current Tier games as many times as they wish. It is like non-subscription apps then converted to subscription-based ones. In App Store Connect, I created a number of products for in-app purchases for an app. How I can deliver this Free Tier games in the app and let users try it and allow them to choose in-app purchase products available in AppStore Connect. I would appreciate response and support. Best Lexxyacc
InAppPurchase create problem
Hello, I try to create a product in app purchase with the API calls. I meet a problem during this creation for some products, see the error message : Erreur lors de l'appel d'API Apple : { "errors" : [ { "id" : "89876075-5f2a-44ea-a910-fcbcf95ea641", "status" : "409", "code" : "ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID.DUPLICATE", "title" : "The provided entity includes an attribute with a value that has already been used", "detail" : "This product ID has already been used", "source" : { "pointer" : "/data/attributes/productId" } } ] } It seems that the productId has already created but when we check in the app we cannot find its. Is it possible that if the productId has already created and deleted after ? And now we cannot created again with the samed productId ? Thank you in advance to help us. Best Regards.
When to call transaction.finish() when using currentEntitlementTask
When using the new currentEntitlementTask ViewModifier to check for the status of a non-consumable IAP when should you call transaction.finish()? Also, since currentEntitlementTask will trigger whenever the app/view is run it will call transaction.finish every time. Is it bad to repeatedly call .finish on a already finished transaction? Currently my app works fine when making purchases and using currentEntitlementTask and @Environment to grant access to the purchased content but I know that all the transactions are unfinished and the docs say you should call transaction.finish() to tell StoreKit that you have given the user access to the content. Thanks for any help/advice here.
How do I create a free Consumable In-App Purchase?
I have already created consumable in-app purchases in App Store Connect which are available in my app. Then I created a "Discount Code" UIButton which presented custom UI for the user to input a code for another in-app -purchase at a lower price but that build was rejected because you cannot have custom code for this sort of thing. Ref: Apple Documentation: presentCodeRedemptionSheet() Finally I got it through review when I changed the UI but then I realized that I can't offer a free consumable in-app purchase. The minimum price is US$0.29. I would prefer a free consumable in-app purchase to give to freelancers I am owkrin with for them to test the app with. I know that there are ways to do it when using subscriptions but my app only using consumable in-app purchases which align better with my business model and the value offering of my app. There must be some way of creating a single-use free consumable discount code which will also get through App Store Review. Anyone managed something like this? Thanks.
StoreKit 2: Transaction.updates don't emits refunds at app launch
If an in-app purchase is made when my app is not running, the next time the app launches Transaction.updates will emits a transaction for the purchase. That's great. But if an in-app purchase is refunded when my app is not running, the next time the app launches Transaction.updates will NOT emits a transaction for the refund. Is that the expected behaviour? If yes, in order to check for refunds at app launch, are we supposed to cycle trough Transaction.all and search for them? Thank you
Universal Purchase: macOS (AppKit) + iOS supported?
I have a macOS app (AppKit-based, not Mac Catalyst) and an iOS app serving a very similar purpose and user group. Both are currently using non-consumable IAPs to unlock functionalities. I‘m considering a subscription model and wonder if both apps could share the same IAP products. I‘m well aware that both apps need to use the same Bundle ID / App Store Connect entry, so I‘m willing to discontinue the existing Bundle IDs (while keeping the apps installable for existing customers), but Apple‘s info about „Universal Purchase“ is only mentioning Mac Catalyst apps for macOS: Mac Catalyst. With Xcode 11.4 or later, Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst can share a bundle ID with the iOS version of the app, so universal purchase is supported. Can an AppKit-based macOS app and an iOS app share the save Bundle ID and offer a Universal Purchase?
IAP Products Empty
We're testing in-app purchases in our iOS app, and Product.products(..) returns an empty vector in the sandbox environment, both when building & running in xcode and on testflight. We've eliminated all the obvious reasons: Paid App Agreement is done InAppPurchase Products are in Ready to Submit The ProductId's are matching Sandbox tester account is set up and logged in on testing device Currently we're out of ideas for why the IAP purchase products are not showing up - would appreciate any help!
In App Purchase - Developer Action Needed
Your in-app purchase has been returned. Fix the marked items and submit it again. For more information, see the Notes from App Review. And when I click on Notes from App Review: 3.1.1 - new IAP type New type: Non-Consumable Previous type: Non-Renewing Subscription, Consumable Recommend: Download I don't understand what's wrong here. I just created a non-consumable product and set everything. But it's not clear to me what's wrong and what kind of action I should take. Can you help me figure this out, please?
Creating in-app subscription products via the API
Hi, I am implementing in-app subscriptions in my application and would like to set up a module in my admin portal by which I can create subscription products via my custom module. For this purpose I need API's that allow me to create subscription products. Please let me know if such a solution is possible, if it is, then please share the API's and payload by which I could implement it. Thank you in advance.
In-app purchase reports in Sandbox account
Hi, I'm implementing in app purchase/subscriptions for my application and would like to setup a financial report module in my admin portal. I am bit confused, is it possible to get financial reports and invoices via the API when in sandbox account. Also I would greatly appreciate it if you could also share the API and parameters needed, by which we can get the finance reports and invoices. Thank You in advance.
Multiple active subscriptions on Same AppleID, Is it possible?
APPLE ID IS SAME Please try to understand my situation by an example. We have three plans on App Store. one month three months one year Is this default behaviour of the app store in-app purchases, Am I missing something or doing something wrong. Is it really not possible to purchase two subscriptions from same Apple ID and both got renew parallely. Please note these all cases are for same Apple ID. I signed up as User A and purchased one month subscription successfully. I logged out from User A and signed up as User B and tried to purchase one month subscription, I got error that subscription is already active. Now again tried to purchase three months plan, purchase is successfull but what happened when I again logged in as User A, then his subscription didn’t get renewed. I am not getting any hook to cancel or expire the User A subscription.
Where can I get used Offer Codes from?
I would like to programmatically keep track of offer codes that have been used. I just configured a Test Offer Code (Reference name), which contains 500 codes (Offer Codes) to buy a 1-month subscription for 0,49€. I was able to redeem the code and everything works, but I was expecting to receive the used code. Instead I received the Reference name in the payload from the App Store Server Notification in the field offer_code_ref_name="Test Offer Code". (expected was sth like offer_code_ref_name="JFFDS61SBJDBJ5BXJS4BX") I would be able to identify the Reference name by the code, if it was provided, because I have the following table in my app's backend: reference_name | code | url | expires_at | used | reserved Test Offer Code | xadz | zzz | 31-07-2022 | t | f Test Offer Code | asdf | *** | 31-07-2022 | f | f The used code doesn't seem to be included in the latest receipt. How can I obtain it? Can I somehow call App Store Connect API? Thanks
Apr ’24
How to attach an IAP to my app review?
My app offers a premium subscription, and all works well locally when I test with a Sandbox tester account. However, in app review, the reviewers are not able to access premium - Apple does not open the subcription/payments modal when the reviewers click the "Get Premium" button. I'm wondering if it's because I haven't "attached" my subscription to my review as described in The instructions says: "On the right, scroll down to the In-App Purchases and Subscriptions section, then click Select in-app purchases and subscriptions. When submitting a subscription for the first time, it must be submitted with a new app version." But I don't see any "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section on this page. Am I missing something or are the docs outdated?
Apr ’24
SubscriptionStoreView groupID when handling country specific products with storekit2
I am not sure if this is just Xcode and Storekit2 behaving weird. I am getting all products every time during my testing, even though I have pricing enabled for US and non-US in the same subscription group. How do I handle this scenario? Isn't SubscriptionStoreView supposed to handle this by itself depending on media and purchases country? Thanks in advance for your response!
Apr ’24