Build, test, and submit your app using Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment.

Posts under Xcode tag

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Resolving a "Simulator runtime is not available" error
Some Macs recently received a macOS system update which disabled the simulator runtimes used by Xcode 15, including the simulators for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and visionOS. If your Mac received this update, you will receive the following error message and will be unable to use the simulator: The simulator runtime is not available. Domain: Code: 401 Failure Reason: runtime profile not found using "System" match policy Recovery Suggestion: Download the simulator runtime from the Xcode To resume using the simulator, please reboot your Mac. After rebooting, check Xcode Preferences → Platforms to ensure that the simulator runtime you would like to use is still installed. If it is missing, use the Get button to download it again. The Xcode 15.3 Release Notes are also updated with this information.
Problem with setNeedsDisplay:
Hi, with the default values the rotation take place but changing the value not. I bind a button to a slider action: -(IBAction)rotateXAction:(id)sender { NSLog(@"%@ \n",sender); BOOL yn = YES; _rotationX = [_sliderX intValue]; if(yn) printf("rotationX %d \n",_rotationX); // value o.k [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } The drawRect: will not be called. What is wrong with my code, please tell me. Uwe
Mistake in OpenGLView:drawRect
I rewrite an old project since OpenGL is deprecated and the downgrade to High Sierra goes with the lost of the old project. Here is the drawRect: - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect { [super drawRect:dirtyRect]; if(backgroundColor == 1) glClearColor(0.95f, 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0); else glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0.0 ,0.0, -10.0); // After mistake I wrote PushMatrix() glTranslatef(-0.01 ,-0.01, -10.0); // Screen Shot 0 // glTranslatef(-0.25 ,-0.25, -10.0); Screen Shot 1 glLineWidth(1.0); glRotated(rotationX, 1, 0, 0); glRotated(rotationY, 0, 1, 0); glCallList(axes); // After mistake I wrote PopMatrix() // Axes Vertices of xx,y,z are 1.0 // With vertices +/-0.99 nothing is drawn [self glError]; [self.openGLContext flushBuffer]; } I hope you Accept my Text and hope you can help me ! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Uwe Screen Shot 0 Screen Shot 1
Test Class is re-enabled on switching Test Plan
Hi, Recently noticed this issue on Xcode 15.2 When I select a Test Plan, disable a class, enable just 1 test within that class and refresh the test plan the entire class gets enabled again. steps to notice the issue: Select Test Plan 1 Disable a class Enable 1 test within the class Select Test Plan 2 Select Test Plan 1 Disabled class and all the tests inside the class are enabled. Note: For now the workaround for that is disabling each test of the class individually Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? If theres a way to disable a class instead of disabling each test inside the class?
Provide my own machine for Xcode Cloud
I'm working on some apps at the minute, with the intention of running a lot of automated UI tests. Xcode cloud looks great and has a lot of integrated features, but having to make sure I don't run too many hours so my subscription doesn't stop mid dev cycle, or getting a surprise large bill etc, are things I want to avoid. Even the cheapest paid plan for a year works out about the same cost as an M2 mac mini, which would probably be significantly faster than the cloud nodes. Github actions allow you to provide your own machines. But actions requires a lot more scripting, and so far they've been very slow to update Macos/Xcode versions (not sure how this will effect supplying own machine). My preference would be to deploy my own machine for Xcode cloud, similar to what we used to be able to do with Xcode server. I think this is currently impossible right? Is there any word that this might be an added feature in the near future?
How to open Passcode field in Swift XCTest UI with iOS 17.4
This code works when I run it in the iOS Simulator with iOS 17.0.1: let passcodeInput = springboard.secureTextFields["Passcode field"] _ = passcodeInput.waitForExistence(timeout: 10) passcodeInput.tap() However if I run it on the iOS Simulator with iOS 17.4 I get this error: t = nans Checking existence of `"Passcode field" SecureTextField` t = nans Capturing debug information t = nans Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 66943 t = nans Tap "Passcode field" SecureTextField t = nans Wait for to idle t = nans Find the "Passcode field" SecureTextField t = nans Find the "Passcode field" SecureTextField (retry 1) t = nans Find the "Passcode field" SecureTextField (retry 2) t = nans Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 66943 <unknown>:0: error: PRCheckUITests : Failed to tap "Passcode field" SecureTextField: No matches found for Descendants matching type SecureTextField from input {( Application, pid: 66943, label: ' ' )} Did the hardcoded string "Passcode field" change for iOS 17.4? How can I access the passcode field through springboard in a test?
XCUITests running incredibly slow with Xcode 15.3
Sometime recently our XCUITests started to hang after awhile and so I had filed this Feedback ticket. With the release of Xcode 15.3 I re-ran the test in the project I had attached to that Feedback ticket (which taps a "Go!" button which pushes a new view controller and then verifies the value of a UILabel) and the tests are running crazy slow on a device now running iOS 17.4. It has been half an hour and only 14 of 100 iterations have been run. Anyone else experience severe performance degradation in their XCUITests with Xcode 15.3?
Xcode 15.3 crippled with "internal inconsistency error"
Since Xcode 15.3 it has become impossible to build our project more twice in a row without encountering a batch of "internal inconsistency error: never received target ended message for target ID …". This issues appeared a few months ago (15.0 i think, but i'm not sure), but xcode 15.3 makes it almost unusable. We're a team of 3 iOS devs, and we're all having the problem. Our project involves a lot of SPM packages, a few cocoa pods, a few iOS Frameworks, and a bit of swiftgen. Nothing particularly special for a large project, and no custom build steps that does anything fancy. It is now to the point where we're looking for alternative to xcode, because we can't decently kill xcode and restart every time we have to build our code...
Uneble to verify app
In order to test an iPhone app I am developing on my mac on an actual device, I connected my iPhone to my mac with a wired connection and installed the app, but got an error message saying “Uneble to verify app”. I went to Settings -> General -> VPN and Device Management -> the app in question in ENTERPRISE APP -> Verify App -> Verify, but no matter how many times I tap on it, the status of the app remains “Not verified”. If anyone has a solution to this problem, we would appreciate it if you could help us.
Cannot build app on Catalyst after updating to Xcode 15.4 RC
We are facing an issue on Catalyst when building our app using Xcode 15.4. The issue is related to precompiled frameworks and seems to be widespread as it happens with multiple vendors (like Firebase or Braze). We are using SPM to add these dependencies, for instance: .package(url: "", from: "8.2.1"), When building, we get the following error: clang:1:1: invalid version number in '-target arm64-apple-ios10.15-macabi' Our macOS deployment target is 12.3. Our iOS deployment target is 15.4. I will try to create a reproducer I can share but I wanted to share this in case there's a known workaround. Thanks in advance!
AppIntents don't work on iOS 16 if app is built with Xcode 15.3
Hi, After upgrading to Xcode 15.3 (15E204a) AppIntents unexpectedly stopped working on iOS 16. System error occurs when you try to run AppIntent on device with iOS 16, Shortcuts app just shows error alert. There are errors in device's logs: error Could not find an intent with identifier , mangledTypeName: Optional("") It seems to be an issue with extract.actionsdata file, generated by appintentsmetadataprocessor. "mangledTypeName" parameter is empty for action descriptors, though it was fulfilled when building with Xcode 14.2 and different version of generator. If I manually set this property in xcarchive and sign it everything works fine. The issue is reproducible with Xcode 15.4 which is currently in beta. Have anyone experienced this or have any solution more solid than editing metadata files after build?
SPM Resolution Challenges
I've been relying on SPM to manage some packages related to a project I'm working on, and while it mostly worked well when the dependencies were small, it has become increasingly difficult to make updates to package versions and have Xcode use those updates (now around 20 total depencies). For example, suppose I have this working state: Package A (private in Github) -> tag 1.2.2 Xcode SPM 'Up to Next Major Version" -> 1.00 < 2.00 Now, I want to update package A to be a new version (e.g. 1.3.0). I update the package, give it a new tag and push the tags to git. Now, if I open my project without performing any action, the package version will almost always not update. Things I can do: 'Update Package' from the Package Dependency list. (Has no effect) 'Update to latest package versions' from the Package Dependency header. (Has no effect) Resolve package versions / Reset package caches (Has no effect) What used to work in the past was to remove the dependency in Xcode, and re-add it. 90% of the time, it wouldn't add on first try, so I would have to try to add it, cancel out of the dialog once, and try again. That used to work. Now, a new package version won't add at all. I just get the 'Unable to resolve dependencies' dialog. 'Add anyway' leaves my project in an unusable state. I'm now in a position where I have to close, clean, restart, reset caches, etc for long stretches of time until with some stroke of luck the versions update correctly and the project will build. This is hugely disruptive to my development flow and am hoping to find a reliable solution that doesn't take 30+ minutes of rebuilding and retrying before the project is in a usable state with my updated package.
Running a Catalyst application via XCTest loads macOS specific frameworks
When trying to test a Catalyst application with XCTest the application crashes at startup with Symbol not found error when certain frameworks are in use. This is caused by XCTest / Xcode adding /Applications/ to DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH causing dyld to load the macOS specific framework variant of for example RealityKit instead from /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks as defined in the load commands. Which leads to symbol mismatches, for example ARView.Environment.Color is a UIColor on Mac Catalyst but an NSColor on macOS (_$s10RealityKit6ARViewC11EnvironmentV10BackgroundV5coloryAGSo7UIColorCFZ vs. _$s10RealityKit6ARViewC11EnvironmentV10BackgroundV5coloryAGSo7NSColorCFZ) Tried prepending /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks to the DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH env var of the test target, but via some private frameworks still wrong framework variants were loaded. Any ideas for possible fixes or workarounds?
ios 17.5.1 keyboard glitch on some batches on iphone 14+models(not all)
We are using Material Textfield iOS component (as directed by our client), , after ios 17.5.1 update, for all the material textfield on some iphone 14+ models there is a keyboard appearance issue, the keyboard starts to appear but dismisses immediately on tap of any textfeild,i.e material textfield component, apple's uitextfield works properly, we have an iphone 14+ with ios 17.5.1, for us it works without any issues, our app was uploaded using xcode 14.2, not sure how to fix this issue as we are not able to reproduce it, couple of users have reported this issue, it however works on all other iphone models!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated , i understand this is a third party SDK, but how to simulate this bug, if it is happening only on some devices and on the same device models we have, are working.
iOS 17.5.1 Xcode WebKit Crash
iOS 17.5.1 Xcode WebKit Crash Hello, I have two iPhone devices that I have. These devices are iOS17.5.1, and all Wk related codes cause Crash. Crash occurs when Xcode Build is complete and the app is running. If you run without connecting to Xcode, Crash does not occur. Error: Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x19e88fa18) Xcode 15.4, MacBook Pro 14 Sonoma 14.5 There was no issue with iOS 16.5. WKWebsiteDataStore.default() .fetchDataRecords(ofTypes: WKWebsiteDataStore.allWebsiteDataTypes()) { records in records .forEach { WKWebsiteDataStore.default() .removeData(ofTypes: $0.dataTypes, for: [$0], completionHandler: {}) } } let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()webConfiguration.preferences.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
Xcode - Verify App button is buggy. Nothing happens when I tap it and app says it's not verified.
I'm new to SwiftUI and Xcode. I built and installed an app to test on my iPhone 15 Pro. On the Apple Development screen for my profile, I tapped Verify App and a dialog pops up with a Cancel and Verify button. It also tells me my internet connection will be used to do the verification. After tapping the Verify button "Apple Development" on the top of the screen quickly flashes one time and the app is still in the Not Verified state. No error message is ever displayed. It looks like I came across a bug in Apples verification process. Please show me a detailed step by step work-around to this bug. I'm using Xcode 15.4 Thanks in advance.
Developer mode option is not showing under Privacy & Policy in the Apple VisionPro
I want to run my custom application on my VisionPro. I have paired my VisionPro with Xcode successfully but when I am running it it shows me to enable developer mode in VisionPro. When I followed the options and Went to Settings -> Privacy & Security. There is no developer mode option visible at any place. Please let me know how I can enable the developer option in VisionPro. Thanks