How to fully apply parallel computing on CPU and GPU of M1max

Project is based on python3.8 and 3.9, containing some C and C++ source

How can I do parallel computing on CPU and GPU of M1max

In deed, I buy Mac m1max for the strong GPU to do quantitative finance, for which the speed is extremely important. Unfortunately, cuda is not compatible with Mac.

Show me how to do it, thx. Are Accelerate(for CPU) and Metal(for GPU) can speed up any source by building like this:

Step 1: download source from github

Step 2: create a file named "site.cfg"in this souce file, and add content: [accelerate] libraries=Metal, Acelerate, vecLib

Step 3: Terminal: NPY_LAPACK_Order=accelerate python3 build

Step 4: pip3 install . or python3 install ? (I am not sure which method to apply)

2、how is the compatibility of such method? I need speed up numpy, pandas and even a open souce project, such as

3、just show me the code

4、when compiling C++, C source, a lot of errors were reported, which gcc and g++ to choose? the default gcc installed by brew is 4.2.1, which cannot work. and I even tried to download gcc from the offical website of ARM, still cannot work. give me a hint.

thx so much urgent

Unsure if this is of help, but MacBook supports OpenCL parallel computing. Please find more information on this webpage:

How to fully apply parallel computing on CPU and GPU of M1max