Instruments cannot find binary for disassembly

Since version 14, Instruments cannot find the binary to show disassembly of executable or library. It says: Error - Binary file for selected symbol is expected to be here: /Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<project>/Build/Products/Release/<project>.

The thing is that the path shown by Instruments is actually the right one, and of course the binary exists in this directory.

Am I missing something somewhere ?

Accepted Answer

Hello there,

Instruments 14.0 has known issue to show disassembly for sybmols without access to DWARF information (dSym or executable with debug symbols). It was resolved in Instruments 14.1 which you can download with Xcode 14.1 from App Store or



Thank you Anton for your reply.

At the moment of writing my question, I already updated to 14.1. Now I've deleted the full build directory and recompiled my project and it seems to work fine.

Thank you again, Cédric

I'm having the same trouble with Instruments 14.1. I tried deleting the build folder, but the problem remains. Any other suggestions?

Instruments cannot find binary for disassembly