bitset lldb and debugger view issues

Env: Monterey 12.6.5, Xcode 14.0.1 Recent update for xcode. Straight forward declaration of bitset, but a large one. std::bitset<1048567> bs ; Running code in xcode, suddenly started getting lldb notice "Message from debugger: The LLDB RPC server has exited unexpectedly. You may need to manually terminate your process. Please file a bug if you have reproducible steps." upon entering the function itself, not when executing the bitset declaration line. Moved the declaration to main, and still lldb notice. Then noticed bitset size in debugger dialog is 256 (see snippet image), although the bitset's "real" size is as declared (debugger shows real size in parentheses, but only show first 256 bits). Checked vector<bool>, it is show and represents in full. Duplicated on Ventura 13.3.1, Xcode 14.2. Suspect the LLDB issue was from changing bitset size to pow(2,64) before, which compiles, but generates "thread EXC_BADACCESS ..." error/warning. Two issues: first, why only display first 256 bits of a bitset in debugger? And if there is a logical reason, then change the description for the hard-set 256 size when n >=256 from "size=256" to "view size=256" With the lldb error, I thought there was an error that did not exist, notably compiler was now changing my declared size to 256 for any size n > 256. Second, the "thread EXC_BADACCESS..." error when bitset size is too large should be reported by compiler as max size exceeded, after all, the bitset size n declared has to be a const and the compiler knows both n and the max bitset size_t N...the error reported is better than nothing, but not the most meaningful.

bitset lldb and debugger view issues