Keep Xcode Server Running: A Request from iOS Developers to Apple

Xcode Server is say goodbye at Xcode15 Beta.

Hello Apple:

As iOS developers and users of Xcode Server, we hope that Apple can retain the functionality of Xcode Server or provide an API for Xcode Server, open source the code, so that Xcode Server can continue to operate and provide better services for iOS developers. Additionally, Apple's recommendation of Xcode Cloud has raised some concerns among us.

We are very grateful to Apple for creating this excellent tool that helps us automate building, testing, and deploying iOS applications, improving our development efficiency and quality. However, we are disappointed with the removal of Xcode Server from the latest Xcode 15 version. At the same time, we also have some doubts about Apple's proposed Xcode Cloud.

Firstly, we hope that Apple can recognize that Xcode Server is an essential tool for iOS developers. Many development teams rely on Xcode Server for continuous integration and delivery, enabling them to quickly build, test, and deploy new versions of the application. If Xcode Server is removed, developers will need to spend more time and effort on these tasks, greatly reducing development efficiency and quality.

Secondly, although Apple has proposed Xcode Cloud, we believe that it has some problems. Xcode Cloud is cloud-deployed, which presents limitations on private networks and data security, and lacks the ResetAPI of Xcode Server, making it difficult to integrate with other systems. Also, Xcode Cloud requires payment, which may be a considerable expense for individual developers and small teams.

Therefore, we hope that Apple can reconsider and retain the functionality of Xcode Server or provide an API for Xcode Server, open source the code, so that Xcode Server can continue to operate and provide better services for iOS developers. At the same time, we also hope that Apple can continue to improve Xcode Cloud and address its problems to provide better cloud services for iOS developers.


I fully support this initiative. Being able to run Xcode Server in a local environment on a dedicated server which is under developer control is vital.

Keep Xcode Server Running: A Request from iOS Developers to Apple