Physics Engine for Metal API rendering

Hello everyone! Here with another graphics api question but slightly different. I'm currently looking at 2 SDK's for physics called PhysX and Bullet. The game asphalt 9 uses metal and bullet and I would like to do the same with asphalt 9. With metal 3 out and stable it seems, I would like to use one of these engines for my upcoming metal api rendering engine. Bur there's a catch, I wish to use objective-c or c++ for both the rendering engine and the physics engine as I mentioned above, but not me touching swift(its a good language but i wish to use c++ for game development). What do you guys say about this?

Answered by Graphics and Games Engineer in 762598022

Metal has an ObjC API, as well as a C++ wrapper called metal-cpp. You can find information about both of these on the developer documentation website.

Accepted Answer

Metal has an ObjC API, as well as a C++ wrapper called metal-cpp. You can find information about both of these on the developer documentation website.

Physics Engine for Metal API rendering