0 valid identities found setting up signing certificates

I'm trying to setup a new build machine and I can't seem to get the signing certificates detected by the security tool with "0 valid identities found"

My id is linked to a team but my role is "app manager". In my console I can see the certificates but cant download the developerID installer cert.

In Xcode no ceritifcates show up for that team ID in the list.

The certs were generated by the developer console.

I had to get the client to insecurely send me the certs because of this restriction. I imported them into the keychain but the tool still won't show anything.

Is this another problem not having the correct root certificate installed ? I had all this setup in a VMWAre which was working before I lost all data due to a crash so setting it up fresh on a mac mini.

I should be able to have just synced the certs through xcode and start signing installers. I researched hundreds of pages and no answer for my problem.

I'm trying to setup a new build machine and I can't seem to get the signing certificates detected by the security tool

The most common cause of this is a missing intermediate. See Resolving errSecInternalComponent errors during code signing for general advice and Fixing an untrusted code signing certificate for the specifics.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

0 valid identities found setting up signing certificates