passkey registration fails on hybrid connect (qr code scan)

I developed an app that implements autofill extension with ASCredentialProviderViewController to provide passkeys.

while it works smoothly on internal connections (e.g. register to on the same device where my app is installed), it fails when i'm scanning QR code on another device.

I suspect it's a problem with the flags of the passkey attestation object as the only difference between the 2 requests (internal and hybrid) I've found is that the userVerificationPreference is changed from preferred (internal) to required (hybrid).

i sent those flags (both on hybrid and internal connection):

binary rep: 01011101

decimal rep: 93

is anyone has a clue what goes wrong?

It's hard to tell what's going on without more information. If you file this through Feedback Assistant, collecting logs from both devices, we'd be happy to take a look!

passkey registration fails on hybrid connect (qr code scan)