Receive (Local) System Notifications

Hi. I would like my App to be notified when the phone rings. No, not CallKit-CallKit is for VoIP and does not cover Cellular connections (as of 2/26/24) but, thanks. To continue.. I understand ages-ago there was a Telephony Kit or Framework but, has been discontinued. Has it been replaced with something else? I would like something that seems very simple:a) when the phone rings my App is notified, b) when it stops ringing (combine all possibilities; sent to voicemail, user cancels, user answers) my App is notified. Yes, I understand UserNotifications can make things run but, as I understand it this feature is for the App to schedule notifications, not receive them? If you know of something in UserNotifications that I can leverage I would appreciate your input. Lacking other possibilities I find myself wondering about Siri integration. Siri is notified about system events and generates notifications based upon these events. Is there some way to place my App downstream from Siri and receive system notifications? Thanks everyone.

I would like my App to be notified when the phone rings.

There is no supported way to do that.

I understand ages-ago there was a Telephony Kit or Framework but

There has never been an API with that name.

Lacking other possibilities I find myself wondering about Siri integration.

That’s an interesting possibility. In the Shortcuts app the user can use the Automation tab to run shortcuts when certain events happen. If your app supplies an action, the user can configure it to run there.

However, I had a quick look and “Phone rings” is not available as a trigger )-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Thanks Quinn. Since you are at Apple.. What is Apple paying these days for great ideas? I have an idea for an App (which isn't an App anymore) I believe is very useful. Since I cannot make it happen without Apple getting directly involved, perhaps an agreement of some type? Or, maybe they provide me the hook I need and the App is still mine? LMK.

Receive (Local) System Notifications