Poor Quality 2021 MBP Speakers

I've only been using this late 2021 MBP 16 for nearly 2 years, and now the speaker is producing a crackling sound. Upon inquiring about repairs, customer service informed me that it would cost $728 to replace the speaker, which is a third of the price of the laptop itself. It's absolutely absurd that a $2200 laptop's speaker would fail within such a short period without any external damage. The repair cost being a third of the laptop's price is outrageous. I intend to initiate a petition in the US, hoping to connect with others experiencing the same problem. This is indicative of a subpar product, and customers shouldn't bear the burden of Apple's shortcomings. I plan to share my grievances on various social media platforms and if the issue persists, I will escalate it to the media for further exposure.

And the POOR customer service! When I inquired if they considered the price reasonable, the representative simply cited it as Apple policy and promptly closed the chat window. What has become of this company? Where is the Apple I knew ten years ago? POOR products, POOR customer service, and UNREASONABLE prices - it's truly disappointing.

The forum is not the place to expose one's grievances, it is a developers' forum.

As you tell yourself, this is not the purpose of your post.

Poor Quality 2021 MBP Speakers