Are server notifications available for consumables?

Hi I'm working on IAP for my app, with all products being consumables. If I use App Store Server Notifications, will I get updates on the payment status (successful, failed, pending, etc.) of my products?

I've worked on Android IAP, which provides such updates via subscriptions on Google Cloud Console. Does App Store Server Notifications work the same? The reason I need this is for the cases where the payment is slow, interrupted or any other potential issues.

Hello, at this time App Store Server Notifications does not send purchase events for Consumables. However, even if it did, there is no concept of "success, failed, pending, etc." for App Store purchases. Once a transaction has been returned to the device, that transaction is complete. The only thing that would change that for a consumable is a refund issued to the customer, which is supported by App Store Server Notifications via the REFUND notification.

@App Store Commerce Engineer it's very strange how to notify my server that users make purchases in my app, the documentation describes many types of messages for refunds or status changes, but there is no message that signals that the user has purchased a consumable product

Are server notifications available for consumables?