Is Apple protecting our credentials?

I'm noticing a trend in 'foreign' home security products that they want to combination of QR code scanning, and home router connections for 'Easy Setups'.

The iOS apps that have to be used with these products require the user to enter their home WiFi password directly into the app. Such apps also commonly request location data.

If unencrypted router passwords, and the Location data of the router are being captured and sent back to the manufacturer, this would be very very bad.

Of the few things I've put on the App Store, Apple went through my code with a fine tooth comb looking for things that went against their protocols and had to do multiple revisions to bring them in line. Although frustrating at the time, I was pleased to know this kind of screening happened.

I've heard Apple won't allow apps to do key logging/capture. Fantastic.

Is the the handling of our home network credentials also heavily scrutinised before thing are allowed on the Apple Store?

Apple went through my code with a fine tooth comb

No they didn’t.

Is the the handling of our home network credentials also heavily scrutinised before thing are allowed on the Apple Store?


home security products

If you mean cameras, there’s a lot more than your WiFi password to worry about, i.e. it’s a camera.

Apple went through my code with a fine tooth comb

No they didn’t.

Ok well some form of automated scanning was performed as they identified, and made me modify, specific parts of the source before it was accepted multiple times.

Is the the handling of our home network credentials also heavily scrutinised before thing are allowed on the Apple Store?


This is saddening. I'm usually on Apple's side of the closed App Store with where although we're not free to do anything we want, the plus side is supposed trustworthy apps.

If you mean cameras, there’s a lot more than your WiFi password to worry about, i.e. it’s a camera.

I honestly couldn't care less if someone can see what my camera sees. Likewise if an app sends home a Wifi password, it wouldn't be a big deal if you don't know where the router is. Sending home location data and wifi passwords is very very bad. I'm actually quite shocked to hear this isn't a no-go for acceptance to the App Store. It would be easy to detect via an automated process.

Is Apple protecting our credentials?