Is it possible to use App Store Server API for getting transaction info in PHP

I am trying to call Get Transaction Info inApps/v1/transactions/{transactionId} from PHP server but it always send me back 404 transactions not found, I receive the transactionId from the app/client when the frontend developer extract the transactionId from the Recipe.

I have generated a good JWT it work with the other endoints such as making some product reads.

I didn't configured server url as I will not use the notification.

Yes, there is nothing fundamental stopping the API from being called from any language.

In general if you're receiving a 404 from Get Transaction Info, I suggest double checking the URL for the endpoint is correct, the transactionId is valid and from the endpoint whose URL you are calling (Production or Sandbox), and that the bid in the JWT you are providing matches the app the transactionId is from. If you're still experiencing issues, file a feedback ticket and post the FB number here. Include the full request and response to the endpoint including headers.

Is it possible to use App Store Server API for getting transaction info in PHP