App crashing in Appdelegate with " __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__"

This error only occurs in device with 17.4.1 OS. Can anyone please help me in this ?

No, we can't help you, because you've given us no way of helping you. Where's your code? Where is it crashing? Have you tried to debug it yourself? What happened?

"My car doesn't work. How can I fix it?"

What darkpaw wrote, plus.

You say it's crashing in AppDelegate.

That may not be the case, that's only the crash is finally reported (in appDelegate) but did occur somewhere before.

You should read in detail the excellent post from Quinn on how to report problem on the forum:

  • Have you the crash report ? Please show
  • Are you using third party library like Firebase ? Please tell
  • any other information that may be useful
App crashing in Appdelegate with " __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__"