Universal Links / Deep link not working

THE ISSUE - Hi there guys we have been through documentation and gone back and forth on forums and we can not get universal links / Deep link to work for us.

OUR SETUP - We are running Flutter and are looking to post images from the Gallery into the app only issue is it does not pick up the page its meant to open once the share button is clicked.

We have tired all the steps meticulously and still can not get it to work.

Are they any known issues with this ?

[@Greg Loyal](https://developer.apple.com/forums/profile/Greg Loyal) I'm in a similar situation using an SDK for deep linking. Is your app live on the store?

Have you taken a look at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/technotes/tn3155-debugging-universal-links? If you're still stuck, can you provide me with either your domain name, app name, or App ID if you're comfortable doing so?

I've seen issues with Flutter's deep linking in the past, but I can at least look into the Apple side.

Universal Links / Deep link not working