Internal Apple Developer team member does not appear in TestFlight. (User is in limbo)

I have a team member who was deleted. I tried to re-add that team member immediately after deletion but that failed. However, portal still recognizes that user as a member of the team. This results in the following behavior.

  1. When trying to re-add the user to the team, I get a message saying they are already on the team. No new invite can be sent because I can't complete the add-user operation.

  2. In TestFlight, I do not see this user on the list/roster of possible internal testers.

Has anyone seen this behavior before and if so, how did you fix it?

Answered by statemachinejunkie in 788511022

It looks like the main culprit here is a lack of patience on our part. Another way of putting it is that the portal is slow when handling some operations and doesn't do the best job of reporting current status. In any case, coming back to the problem the next day showed the user and the portal in their appropriate states. We are able to continue with our test.

Accepted Answer

It looks like the main culprit here is a lack of patience on our part. Another way of putting it is that the portal is slow when handling some operations and doesn't do the best job of reporting current status. In any case, coming back to the problem the next day showed the user and the portal in their appropriate states. We are able to continue with our test.

Internal Apple Developer team member does not appear in TestFlight. (User is in limbo)